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Measures to create employment in Nepal

Measures to create employment in Nepal

Measures to create employment in Nepal

Unemployment is the most severe issue confronting developing countries such as Nepal. As a result, creating jobs has become a challenge for these countries. There are several methods for creating jobs, including the following:

1. Increase in the pace of economic growth: Economic growth is defined as an increase in real GDP or GNP over time or per capita income. Increased economic growth can help to reduce unemployment. It will increase people's income, leading to an increase in consumption expenditure. It contributes to the expansion of manufacturing and services, resulting in more job opportunities. As a result, the economic growth rate must be accelerated and sustained to increase job opportunities.

2. Rapid industrial development: Unemployment is caused by slow industrial development. Rapid industrial development has the potential to create more jobs. Rapid industrialization is possible through massive capital investment, liberal industrial policy, liberal investment policy, proper security of investment and investors, and so on.

3. Development of the agriculture sector: Most Nepalese people rely on agriculture. However, our farmers produce fewer crops due to low-quality seeds and traditional technology. Agriculture requires diversity, as well as the use of improved seeds and modern technology. Farmers should be encouraged to become more commercial in their farming practices. Irrigation is essential for crop diversity and increasing agricultural productivity. The government should invest in irrigation projects and provide improved seeds, fertilizer, machines, and equipment, among other things. This results in the creation of jobs in the agricultural sector.

4. Credit facility:
The majority of farmers rely on informal credit sources. They charge high-interest rates that vary by location and individual. The government should direct commercial banks to lend to small farmers and traders at lower interest rates. It will encourage farmers to become more commercial and to expand their business to include traders. Such government work will increase employment opportunities.

5. Development of infrastructure: In Nepal, there is a lack of infrastructure such as roads, transportation, communication, banking, and markets, all of which are required for job growth. Inadequate infrastructure availability is a barrier to creating job opportunities. The government should build these infrastructures so rural areas can connect to the primary market. It will encourage investors to invest more in their company, firm, or industry. It will increase employment.

6. Development of cottage and small-scale industries:
Even in rural areas, cottage and small-scale industries can operate with little capital. These industries aid in the proper utilization of locally available raw materials. Employment opportunities can be created by the development of cottage and small-scale industries. Even today, these industries account for a sizable portion of Nepal's industrial employment.

7. Educational reform:
The country's educational system should be reformed to create more job opportunities. It should be made more vocational in both high school and university. It will aid in expanding employment and self-employment in urban and rural areas.

8. Use of labour-intensive techniques:
Capital-intensive production techniques contribute to unemployment. It replaces a large number of workers, causing them to become unemployed. As a result, by providing exceptional facilities, the government should encourage producers or firms to use labour-intensive technology to produce goods and services. The use of labour-intensive technology will aid in the expansion of job opportunities.


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