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Knowledge and Wisdom summary and exercise | Class 12 English Notes

Knowledge and Wisdom Summary and Exercise: Questions & Answers | Class 12 English Notes



Before reading

a.What are the differences between a learned man and a wise man?

Ans. Learned man can have comprehensive knowledge where as a wise man knows what, why where, when how to apply the knowledge gained.

Also, Browse the following:

b.Why do you think some knowledgeable people are not wise?

Ans. I think that knowledge and wisdom are two different things. For example, Bhanu Bhakta had more knowledge but the Ghasi (grass cutter) was more wish as Bhanu Bhakta readlises the fact himself.

  • Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a.What are the factors that contribute to wisdom?

Ans. Different factors that contribute to wisdom are: sense of proportion, sense of comprehension, awareness of the ends a of human life, realistic in our approach, emancipation from personal prejudices, emancipation from reacting negatively, and being impartial.

b.What message does the writer try to convey with the example of technicians?

Ans. The writer tries to convey one of the factors that contribute to wisdom i.e. sense of proportion through the example of a technician.

c.Which leaders does Russell say were able to mix knowledge and wisdom soundly?

Ans. According to Russel, queen Elizabeth- I in England, Henry-IV in France and Abraham Lincoln in USA are the leaders who became able to mix knowledge and wisdom soundly. 

d.Why is wisdom needed not only in public ways, but in private life equally?

Ans. Wisdom is needed not only in public ways, but in private life equally to choose passion or dream wisely and not to ruin life in search of the philosophers stone and the elixir of life.

e.What, according to Russell, is the true aim of education?

Ans. According to Russel, the ultimate aim of education is welfare of students and it is a process of self-development.

f.Can wisdom be taught? If so, how?

Ans. Yes, wisdom can be taught by teaching wisdom side by side with knowledge by giving moral instruction. 

g.Why does the world need more wisdom in the future?

Ans. With every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary because every such increase augments our capacity of our purpose as well as augments our capacity of being evil. So, the world needs more wisdom in the future to save the world from destruction and to care humanity. 

  • Reference to the context

a. According to Russel, “The pursuit of knowledge may become harmful unless it is combined with wisdom.” Justify this statement.

Ans. In this essay, Russel, defines knowledge as the acquisition of data and information, while wisdom is defined as the practical application and use of the knowledge to create value. Wisdom is gained through learning and practical experience, not just memorization. He also says that to run only after the knowledge is harmful. It is more necessary to implement the acquired data and information in the real practice which makes man more perfect. A knowledgeable person along with wisdom is a good citizen. Writer has also given the example of technician leader and many others to discuss about the importance of wisdom in life. A person must have sense of proportion, comprehension, awareness of ends of human life etc. Also wisdom is needed not only in public ways, but in private life equally to choose passion or dream wisely. So, the pursuit of knowledge may become harmful unless it is combined with wisdom.

b. What,according to Russell, is the essence of wisdom? And how can one acquire the very essence?

Ans. According to Russel, knowledge is defined as the acquisition of data and information, while wisdom is defined as the practical application and use of the knowledge to create value. Wisdom is gained through learning and practical experience, not just through memorization.

A sense of proportion is very much necessary for wisdom. By inventing medicine, a scientist may reduce the infant death rate. Apparently, it leads to population explosion and shortage of food. The standard of life comes down. If misused, knowledge of atom can lead destruction.

Knowledge without wisdom can be harmful even complete knowledge is not enough. Wisdom means right understanding. Knowledge of the superficial or apparent values needs wisdom. In order to understand the ultimate truth, we must penetrate apparent reality to its depth.

  •  Reference beyond the text

a.Why is wisdom necessary in education? Discuss.

Ans. The quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgement is the quality of being wise. Knowledge means a range of information or understanding.

Knowledge is something that just comes to you either through teaching or naturally and wisdom will still be there after you’re gone. But if wisdom is knowledge learned, then the correct way to see it as knowledge is there for you to use it, and if you use it will become wisdom. Just think if someone had the knowledge of being a serial killer or as a person that knows how to make nuclear weapons, would you call that wisdom ? If so, would you want that kind of wisdom? People need to seperate what they want to call knowledge because if knowledge is wisdom, then what kind of wisdom would you want to linger on for your children ?

Since, I have begun to write this essay, I really didn’t know what to write would you say I am lacking knowledge or wisdom on this subject ? I don’t know much about ? But I am not lacking knowledge or wisdom because I have to realize that I don’t know many things. So make me have wisdom that people should want to linger on. I know that in my life, I have learned a lot of things. Some of them I might say knowledge that should become wisdom. But some of it should be knowledge and it should not become wisdom. You make choices in life that you sometimes regret and when you learn from them, it should become knowledge instead.

b. How can you become wise? Do you think what you are doing in college contributes to wisdom?

Ans. Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment or the quality of being wise. In some degree wisdom can be taught by teaching wisdom side by side with knowledge by giving moral instruction. Wisdom is needed not only in public ways, but in private life equally to choose passion or dream wisely and not to ruin life in search of the philosophers stone and the explore of life. In school/college wisdom is very necessary for any student to achieve quality education and improve their situation. I’m doing following things in my college to contribute wisdom.

  • Taking ownership of the problem, which is the first step toward taking ownership of the solution.

  • Using a pass/fail option if it is available.

  • Seeking help easily and often than struggling alone.

  • Repeating GPA. a failed course to improve grade, obviously means an improved
  • Planning a reasonable schedule.

  • Listening to the advice of professionals.

  • Using Spending library money rather in limit than buying (as per expensive the need) in study canteen materials.


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