Every Morning I wake summary and exercise | Class 12 English Notes | NEB
Understanding the text
Answer the following questions.
a.When does the speaker pray to the Lord?
Ans. The speaker prays to God every morning he wakes up and every night before he sleep.
b.What does the speaker pray for?
Ans. The speaker prays for the grace and the blessings, not only for his benefit but for the well-being of entire creature living under milk-wood.
c.Who are the 'poor creatures'? Why does the speaker call them 'poor creatures'?
Ans. According to the poem, 'Poor creatures' refers to the people living under milk wood and in general the entire humankind. The speaker call them 'Poor creatures' because they are born to die.
d.What does Milk Wood sound like? A type of wood or a place? Why?
Ans. Milk wood sounds like a place because there is not use of article (a, an, the) before this noun. According to grammatical rules, there must be used an article either 'a', 'an' 'on' 'the' before a type of wood.
e.Why do the inhabitants of Milk Wood bow to the setting sun 'but just for now'?
Ans. The inhabitants of milk wood bow to the setting sun just for saying good bye for only that evening. They want to see another day by the blessing of god.
Reference to the context
a.Discuss "Every Morning When I Wake" as a prayer to the God.
Ans. A poem "Every morning when I wake" by Dylan Thomas can be regarded as a prayer poem. The speaker is praying to God every morning and every night before he sleep for the well-being of entire creature living under milk wood. The speaker represent the god as Almighty. According to him nothing is a powerful as God and we are nothing just tiny creature made up of bones and Flesh. We have born just to die. So he is addressing God to keep his loving eyes on all poor creature to have blessing on them. He is praying for the ggrace, blessing and guidance through the life for entire creature.
b.Why does the speaker make a prayer to the God, but not to a king, a billionaire or a scientist?
Ans. The speaker makes a Prayer the God because he is almighty and creature of entire creature. He is omnipresent and omniscient. But king, billionaires and scientists all are created by the God. All they are made up of bones and flesh and they are born to die. No matter how much powerful they are, how rich they are, how much knowledge they have, they cannot be compared to God. They all are protected by God. They all gets their position, knowledge and wealth due to blessing of God. They are under the control of God. God is holy being, he created us, he saves us, and guides us in righteous path.
c.How does the poet highlight the magnificence of the God?
Ans. The poet highlights the magnificence of God because he keeps his loving eyes on all poor creature, who are born to die. He creates us, and saves us from different calamities/unexpected disasters, we all are living on this planet but the remote is on the hand of God. God is the creator and destroyer of everything on this planet as well of the whole universe. He is immortal and Amighty. All we are mortal beings but the blessing of God makes our life more beautiful. He is only supreme being who knows our best side.
d.How does the rhyme scheme of the poem reinforce its message?
Ans. "Every morning I wake" is an extract from "Under the milk wood". In this poem poet prays to the magnificent God to have mercy on ordinary inhabitant living under the Milk wood. A rhyme scheme is the order of rhyming words how they are patterned at the end of each line of a poem. In this poem poet has coupled every two lines of each stanza rhyme together. We can find AABB rhyming scheme in each stanza. Here, 15 and 2nd line rhyme together and 3rd, and 4 line rhyme together. Which makes the poem/song, simple, pleasant, and it expresses innocent nature. So, the rhyme scheme of the poem reinforce to make an innocent appeal to God. Also, most of the prayer-poems follow this type of rhyme scheme.
Reference beyond the text
a. Does The God exist? Give your opinion.
Ans. There are money unsolved questions since the beginning of human civilization. Among them "Does God exist ?" is one of the unsolved question. People makes different opinion regarding the existence of God. Generally, there are two types of people, "Theists"; who believe in God and "Atheists", who don't believe in God and their existence. People who are 'atheists' generally argue that the God doesn't exist because no one has seen him physically.
Whatever the perception people keep about the existence of God, for me, God does exists. It is as the presence of oxygen in air. We cannot see the oxygen in the air but it doesn't mean the things do not exists if we do not see them with our necked eyes. As the presence of oxygen is detected by different experiment, presence of God can be seen by the devoted soul. The existence of God is live existence of radiation. We just see the effect of it. Similarly, many religious persons are became able to talk with one's fore fathers (ancestors) since the age. This creates (increase) belief for atheists too.
b. In his Epistle to the author of the book, The Three Impostors (1768), Voltaire says, "Even if the God didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent him." Write an essay highlighting the importance of the God in the society.
Ans. French philosopher Voltaire in his book "The Three Imposter (1768)" says "Even if God didn't exists, it would necessary to invent them". The author highlights the magnificence of the God because he keeps his loving eyes on all creature. The beauty of he whole things in this universe is due to the presence of God. He is supreme creator and every person must believe in him.
God is the symbol of positive side/energy in our life. A a social-being, we human live in society. We follow different norms and values here. The norms and values in the society helps to remain in peace and harmony among the people. If the people thinks to commit any sinful deeds, they have fear of God. The feeling of God teaches us moral values, humanity, kindness and so on. This helps people to make a civilized society. If something bad happens bad in our life, the belief on God helps us to live with positive views that next day will become good.
People who believe in the existence of God, they think after death too. They belief that our soul is immortal and suffers different environment according to our deeds. If the people commit any sinful deeds here, their souls will suffers in purgatory. Similarly, people who follow the righteous path, their souls will remain in heaven peacefully. Such beliefs make the society civilized. So, for the betterment of any healthy society, God is needed, if not, he must be invented.
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