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Measures to reduce trade deficit in Nepal

Some Measures to reduce the trade deficit in Nepal

Some Measures to reduce the trade deficit in Nepal

Nepal's border has been opened to international trade. As a result, imports of products and services are fast expanding compared to exports. As a result, Nepal's trade deficit has grown over time. The trade imbalance can be minimized by implementing the following measures:

1. Access to transit facility: Nepal is a landlocked country with limited transit facilities. Nepal does not have a direct access to the seas and oceans. As a result, the ability of Nepal to trade with other countries is severely limited. Nepal must expand its transit facilities with China and Bangladesh to have access to the international market.

2. Diversify Nepal's export base: Nepal exports only a few items to a few nations. Nepal exports a limited number of products, such as woolen carpets and ready-made clothing. Nepal has been experiencing a trade deficit due to a lack of exportable goods. As a result, this problem can be handled by diversifying trade by commodity and country.

3. Industrial sector development: Nepal's industrial sector is still underdeveloped. Export-oriented industries are inherently unreliable, and the majority of them are seasonal. Export-oriented sectors should be developed alongside entire sectors to reduce the trade deficit.

4. Foreign exchange bank: Export promotion requires considerable credit. The fundamental purpose of a foreign exchange bank is to promote international trade by providing foreign currency, credit, and banking services. As a result, credit facilities can boost the total amount of exports.

5. Reduced manufacturing costs: In comparison to other countries, Nepal's production costs are pretty high due to the employment of primitive technologies, a weak labor force, and imported raw materials. As a result, to compete with international goods and services, current technology should be used to lower manufacturing costs.

6. Increased competition with foreign goods: The unrestricted flow of foreign goods into the Nepalese market has dominated Nepalese products in terms of price, quality, and quantity. As a result, Nepalese products are losing market share in foreign and domestic markets. Therefore, on the one hand, we must improve product quality while simultaneously lowering production costs.

7. Publicity and advertising: Publicity and advertising play an essential role in promoting export trade. However, demand for Nepalese goods is low due to a lack of publicity. As a result, indigenous products, such as wild honey tea, herbs, rice, and fruit, can, for example, be exported and sold at higher prices.


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