Types of the division of labor
There are different types or forms of division of labor and specialization, which are as follows:1. Simple division of labor: The division of labor according to occupation is called a simple division of labor. For example farmers, traders, doctors, teachers, etc.
2. Complex division of labor: The division of labor in which a whole work is divided into different steps or processes is called complex division of labor. For example, the assignment of a whole work into different parts according to their specialization in an auto manufacturing company is a complex division of labor.
3. Geographical division of labor: The division of labour based on regional specialization based on the production of a particular commodity is known as the geographical division of labour. In other words, the localization of productive activities in a particular area is called the geographical division of labour.
This is also known as the territorial division of labour. For example, production of Yak Cheese in the Dolakha district of Nepal, JuJu Dhau (King's Curd) in Bhaktapur, Khukuri in Bhojpur, Dhaka clothes in Palpa district, etc. are the geographical division of labour.
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