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Preliminary Population data of Nepal as per National Census 2078 BS


Population report of Nepal as per National Census 2078 B.S (Preliminary report)

National Census 2078 B.S is Nepal's twelfth and the first census after the constitution of Nepal issued in 2072 BS. The on-site work of the first phase of this census was conducted in 2078 from 30th Bhadra to 18th Ashoj, and the on-site work of the second phase was completed between 25th of Kartik, 2078 BS to 9th of Mansir, 2078 BS.

Also Read: Final Population Data of Nepal 2078-2021

The National Census Nepal 2078 involved 1,871 staff for administrative work at the state and district level and about 8,500 supervisors and 39,000 enumerators for on-site work. Necessary preparations are being made for the processing of the completed forms (House and Household Listing Form, Main Questionnaire, and Community Questionnaire) received by the Central Bureau of Statistics, Nepal after completing the on-site work of both phases of the National Population Census 2078 BS.

In the second phase of the census, while collecting the details of households from the enumerators, each supervisor was required to check the forms filled by the enumerators under them. State, District, Local Level, Ward, Census Household, Census Household Number, Total Population, Men, Women, Households Absent Abroad, Total Population, Men, Women, etc. were mentioned in the form. This preliminary result is based on the data filled in the control forms.

The preliminary results of the Census 2078 B.S may differ when the main processing of the census is completed and the final results are obtained. In this case, the result obtained after the main questionnaire's detailed processing will be considered the final report. This article is in fact the unofficial translation of the preliminary report of the National Census published by CBS 2078 B.S. You can download the official file in Nepali from this link.

Nepal Ko Janasankhya 2078

The following is a summary of the National Population Census of Nepal 2078 B.S (2021 A.D) prepared on the basis of the form:

Population and sex ratio of Nepal according to Census 2078 Preliminary Report:

According to the preliminary results of the National Census 2078, the population of Nepal has reached 2,91,92,480, which is 26,97,976 more than the population of 2,64,94,504 ten years ago (2068). In ten years, Nepal's population has grown by 10.18%. The annual growth rate for the last ten years is 0.93 % as against 1.35% in the previous census.

The total population is 1,42,91,311 males (48.96%) and 1,49,01,169 females (51.04%). Ten years ago, in the 2068 B.S census, males and females accounted for 48.5% and 51.5% of the total population of 2,64,94,504, respectively. According to the Census 2078 Preliminary Report of Nepal, the sex ratio (number of males per 100 females) is 95.91 which was 94.16 in the last census.

Census household and family number of Nepal according to Census 2078 Preliminary Report:

According to the preliminary results of the National Census 2078, the number of families living in Nepal is 67,61,059 and these families are living in a total of 56,43,945 households, i.e. an average of 12 households in 10 households. The current number of families has increased by about 24.57% compared to ten years ago. A total of 13,33,757 families were added during this period.

Family size of Nepal according to Census 2078 Preliminary Report:

According to the preliminary results of the National Census 2078 (Nepal ko janasankhya 2078), there are 4.32 members per family which were 4.88 in 2068 B.S. The average number of households in urban areas is 4.25 while in rural areas it is 4.55 which was 4.32 and 5.02 ten years ago respectively. According to the geographical area, there are 4.27 people per family in the Himalayan region, 3.95 people per family in the hills, and 4.65 people per family in the Terai region.

On a province-by-province basis, the average number of family members is lowest in Gandaki (3.66) and highest (5.66) in Madhesh, which was 4.16 and 5.80 in 2068 BS respectively. The smallest family size is seen in Dolakha district (3.41 people) while the largest family size is 5.92 in the Rautahat district.

Population, sex ratio, and growth rate of the population by the ecological belt of Nepal according to Census 2078 Preliminary Report:

According to the geographical area, the share of the Terai region in the distribution of total population has increased in 2078 BS as compared to 2068 BS. In the census of 2068 BS, the share of Terai in the total population has increased from 50.27% to 53.66% in 2078 BS. In the Himalayan region, 6.73% of the total population has been reduced to 6.09% in 2078. Similarly, in hilly areas, the share has decreased from 43.01% in 2068 to 40.25%.

Over a period of ten years, the sex ratio has decreased by 1% in the Terai and increased by 3% and 4% in the mountains and hills respectively. It was 94, 91, and 97 in Himal, Hills, and Terai respectively in the census of 2068 BS.

Annual population growth shows negative growth in the Himalayan region (-0.02%), low positive growth in the hilly region (0.29%), and high positive (1.56%) growth in the Terai region compared to other regions.

Population, change, and growth rate by provinces of Nepal according to Census 2078 Preliminary Report:

Observing the distribution of the population by province, the highest population is of Madhesh at 61,26,288 and the lowest is 16,94,889 in Karnali, which is 20.99% and 5.81% of the total, respectively. In the analysis, the sex ratio is highest in Madhesh Province and lowest in Far Western Province at 101 and 90 respectively.

Lumbini has the highest population growth rate of 1.25% per annum and Gandaki has the lowest at 0.30% per annum. Madhesh Province has the second-highest annual population growth rate of 1.20% per annum. The annual population growth rate of other provinces seems to be less than 1.0%.

District-wise population and annual growth rate of Nepal according to Census 2078 Preliminary Report:

According to the preliminary results, out of 77 districts of the country, Kathmandu district has the highest population of 20,17,532, and Manang district has the lowest population of 5,645. Morang, Rupandehi, Jhapa, and Sunsari are the second, third, fourth, and fifth-most populous districts respectively. Mustang, Dolpa, Rasuwa, and Humla are the second, third, fourth, and fifth-most populous districts respectively.

Looking at the district-wise annual population growth rate, the annual population growth rate has been negative in 32 districts of the Himalayan and hilly regions which were negative in 27 districts as per the last census of 2068 BS. Similarly, Bhaktapur district has the highest annual growth rate (3.32%) and Ramechham district has the lowest (1.65%). Among the mountainous districts, Mugu district has the highest annual population growth rate (1.80%).

Rural-urban population distribution of Nepal according to Census 2078 Preliminary Report:

Considering municipalities, sub-metropolitan and metropolitan areas as urban and villages and hamlets as rural areas, the urban population has reached 66.08% of the total population in 2078 BS and the rural population has reached 33.92%. After the federal structure, the local level was classified as urban and rural area and when the population was adjusted in 2068 BS, the urban population was 63.19% and the rural population was 36.81%. In the National Census 2068, there were 58 municipalities and 17.07% of the total population was urban population and 82.93% was rural population.

Population distribution according to the local level of Nepal according to Census 2078 Preliminary Report:

According to the preliminary results of the National Census 2078, Kathmandu, Pokhara, Bharatpur, Birgunj, and Lalitpur are the five most populous municipalities, while the five least populated municipalities are Thulibheri, Tripura Sundari, Madi, Laligurans, and Jiri. Kathmandu Metropolitan City has the highest population of 8,65,906 and Thulibheri Municipality has the lowest population of 10,187. There are 14 municipalities with a population of less than 20,000 and 39 municipalities with a population of more than 100,000.

Baijnath municipality has the largest population of 70,315 and Narpabhum municipality has the lowest population of 442. There are 46 villages with a population of less than 10,000 and 15 villages with a population of more than 50,000.

Population density of Nepal according to Census 2078 Preliminary Report:

According to the preliminary results of the National Census 2078, the population density of Nepal has reached 198 per sq. Km, which was only 180 in 2068 BS. According to the geographical area, in 2068 BS, the highest population density was 392 people per square kilometer in the Terai region and the lowest was 34 people per square kilometer in the Himalayan region.

According to the preliminary results of the National Census 2078, Kathmandu district has the highest population density of 5,108 persons per square kilometer and Manang district has the lowest population density of 3 persons per square kilometer. On the basis of population density, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, Dhanusha, and Mahottari are the second, third and fourth with the highest population density respectively. Manang, Mustang, Dolpa, and Humla districts have a population density of 10 per sq. Km. The districts with the lowest population density in the Terai are Udaypur (166 people) and Rukum East (35 people) in the hills.

Population absent from family (often residing abroad) of Nepal according to Census 2078 Preliminary Report:

According to the preliminary results of the Census 2078, a total of 21,69,478 persons are absent from Nepali families and have been living abroad frequently, out of which 17,63,315 are males (81.28%) and 4,06,103 are females (18.72%). Ten years ago, in 2068 BS, there were 19,21,494 people who were absent from home (often living abroad, of which 16,84,029 (87.64%) were males and 2,37,400 (12.36%) were females. Compared to 2068, the number of women going abroad has increased by 71.09% in 2078.

On a district-wide basis, people from all 77 districts are absent abroad. The five most absent districts are Kathmandu, Kailali, Jhapa, Rupandehi, and Morang, while the five least absent are Manang, Dolpa, Humla, Mugu, and Mustang.

Major highlights of National Population Census 2078 BS of Nepal, National Census 2078 | Nepal ko Janasankhya 2078

Census Report of Nepal 2078 | Census Data of Nepal 2078

  • Total population of Nepal: (2,91,92,480) 2 crore, 91 lakhs, 92 thousand, 4 hundred and 80
  • Male: 1,42,91,311 (48.96 percent)
  • Female: 1 crore 49 lakh 1 thousand 169 (51.04 percent)
  • Number of houses in Nepal: 5.643 million
  • Number of families in Nepal: 67 lakh 61 thousand 059
  • Census House to Family Ratio: 1: 1.20
  • Number of families added in 10 years: 13 lakhs 33 thousand 5 hundred and 57
  • Most of the population living abroad: 2,169,478
  • Male living abroad: 17 lakh, 63 thousand, 3 hundred and 15 (81.28 percent).
  • Female living abroad: 4 lakh 6 thousand 103 (18.72 percent)
  • Percentage of women abroad: 71.09 percent
  • Abroad from Terai: 10 lakhs 65 thousand 9 hundred 69
  • Abroad from the hills: 9,84,896
  • Abroad from the mountains: 1 lakh 18 thousand 6 hundred 13
  • Population of Terai: 1,56,65,828 (53.66 Percent)
  • The population of Mountain: 117.48 million (40.25 Percent)
  • The population of Himal: 1.778 million 104 (6.09 percent)
Population by Province of Nepal 2078
  • Province no 1: 49 lakh 72 thousand 21 (17.03 percent)
  • Madhesh Pradesh: 61 lakh 26 thousand 2 hundred 88 (20.99 percent)
  • Bagmati region: 60 lakh 84 thousand 42 (20.84 percent)
  • Gandaki Pradesh: 24 lakh 79 thousand 745 (8.49 percent)
  • Lumbini Pradesh: 51,24,225 (17.55 percent)
  • Karnali Pradesh: 16 lakh 94 thousand 8 hundred 89 (5.81 percent)
  • Far Western Pradesh: 27 lakh 11 thousand 270 (9.29 percent)
The population of Nepal by rural and urban distribution:
  • Urban population of Nepal: 19,291,031 (66.8 percent)
  • The rural population of Nepal: 991,449 (33.92 percent)
Least populated Districts of Nepal 2078
  • Manang: 5,645
  • Mustang: 14,596
  • Dolpa: 42,959
  • Rasuwa: 45,554
  • Humla: 55,496
Most populated Districts of Nepal 2078
  • Kathmandu: 20 lakh 17 thousand 5 hundred 32
  • Morang: 11 lakh 47 thousand 1 hundred 86
  • Rupendehi: 11 lakh 18 thousand 975
  • Jhapa: 9 lakh 94 thousand 90
  • Sunsari: 9 lakh 34 thousand 461
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