Role or Importance of Forest Resources:
1. Direct Importance:
a. Sources of Herbs: Nepalese forests are major sources of many precious herbs and on the basis of these valuable herbs different life-saving medicines are produced in Nepal. Thus, the requirement of herbal medicines is fulfilled by forests in Nepal.
b. Timber for Construction: Timber for construction requirement is also fulfilled by Nepalese forests. Low-Cost Housing is generally constructed by Timber of forests in Nepal.
c. Forest-Based Industries: Nepalese forests are sources of many raw materials for different industries. In fact, medicine industries, timber industries, spices industries, and other such industries are established with the help of raw materials from forests in Nepal.
d. Fodder for Animals: Nepalese forests are major sources of fodder for domestic animals. In fact, domestic animals and cattle are largely supported in hills and mountains basically by the help of forest fodder in Nepal.
e. Cooking Fuelwood: The dried timber of forests is used as domestic cooking fuelwood. Observation shows that 85% of Nepalese households still depend on cooking fuelwood from forests in the country.
f. Increase in Export: The government along with the private sector exports forest materials to foreign countries. Thus, the export sector of Nepal is largely supported by the Forest management of the country.
g. Increase in Government Revenue: Government obtains revenue by selling forest materials either in the domestic market or in foreign markets of the country. Thus, the forest is a major source of Government revenue in Nepal.
h. Sustainable Economic Development: Industrial development, Export Management, and Revenue Sector of government are largely supported by Nepalese forests. All these components help to achieve sustainable economic development in Nepal.
2. Indirect Importance:
a. Preservation of Human Existence: Forests absorb carbon and other harmful gases and release oxygen. Due to the thick layer of oxygen human existence is possible.
b. Attraction of Monsoon: Forests attract monsoon air which travels from east to west in Nepal. The attraction of the Monsoon supports agricultural development in Nepal.
c. Habitat for Wild Animals: Wildlife sanctuary and habitat for wild animals are maintained and created by forests.
d. Control of Soil Erosion: Roots of plants and trees keep soil in a compact form and these roots do not allow the flood to wash away the top bed of soil. Thus, unwanted natural calamities and soil erosion do not occur.
e. Natural Beauty: Varieties of Green forests, Wildlife sanctuary, and attractive vegetation are properly maintained in Nepal. Thus, forest helps to maintain natural beauty.
f. Storage of Ground Water: Roots of plants and trees attract groundwater and fix it at a certain level. During the non-rainy season, this groundwater is utilized due to forests available.
g. Tourism Development: Forest enhances the natural beauty of the country. Forest management can preserve rare flora and fauna which have been the source of tourist attraction in various areas of the country.
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