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Needs and Importance of Curriculum


Needs and Importance of Curriculum

Nowadays, the curriculum is broadly considered as a program of an educational institution. Therefore, the curriculum covers the entire experience of the learner through the teacher's teaching plan. The curriculum covers what and why to teach, how and when to teach, and how to assess students' achievement.

Similarly, the curriculum should include the subject matter to be taught to the children and the teacher's plan to teach it, as well as the experiences and needs of the learners. Thus the curriculum should be considered as the most important aspect of the life cycle of an educational institution as the actions and reactions of the educational institution or school are also aimed towards achieving the objectives set by the curriculum. In this sense, since the curriculum itself determines the educational and managerial functions of a school, the need, and importance of the curriculum in the teaching and learning process of the curriculum becomes clear.

The following points highlight the need and importance of the curriculum in the teaching-learning process:

1. The curriculum serves as the basis for formulating the end program of the educational institution or school. For effective teaching and learning, the physical, educational, and human relations of the educational institution or school need to be unmatched For the development of such adaptation, it is necessary to determine the processes of educational and managerial work and implement them in an appropriate manner. The curriculum provides an institutional plan for the fulfillment of this need and a guideline for the implementation of the plan. The curriculum goals and the topics and activities that can be chosen to achieve those goals are formulated and implemented by a think tank. In this way, the curriculum itself forms the basis for the formulation and implementation of the programs of any educational institution.

2. Content selection and teaching plan formulation and implementation for teachers. The curriculum plays a role as the main basis to achieve the objectives set by the curriculum, the teachers and helps to conduct teaching and learning activities. The curriculum not only determines the objectives but also the subject matter, teaching methods, and evaluation processes. It is clear from this that the curriculum will help the teacher to implement the plan effectively by making a teaching plan according to the specificity of his class. In this way, the curriculum on the one hand helps to maintain a level of uniformity in the teaching and learning process and on the other hand paves the way for the selection and implementation of teaching and learning activities according to the concrete situation and diversity of the classroom.

3. The curriculum helps learners determine learning goals, processes, and themes. The curriculum clears up the confusion of learners about what to read, why to read, and how to read. Therefore, the curriculum, on the one hand, facilitates the selection of subjects and processes according to the set goals, while on the other hand, it provides an important basis for determining the learning goals, subjects, and processes and making necessary improvements.

4. The curriculum provides an opportunity for backing up to improve learning. The curriculum also indicates the evaluation process to find out if the intended objectives have been achieved after teaching and learning. If the expected achievement is not achieved through the assessment, the teacher gets the opportunity to improve the teaching by making necessary modifications in his / her teaching and learning plan. In this way, the curriculum helps to provide opportunities for support for both teachers and learners.

5. The curriculum also helps the learner to get a maximum representation of individual differences. The curriculum not only maintains uniformity in the subject matter and its level but also provides an opportunity to conduct learning activities according to the individual's differences by continuously incorporating the experiences of the learners. In fact, the curriculum is a dynamic process, which involves continuous modification, including learner experience. Since the learning experiences thus incorporated can maximize the needs and interests of the learner, the curriculum will be both diverse and individualized.

6. The curriculum paves the way for the development and improvement of all educational programs. Educational programs are basically guided by the curriculum. Since the curriculum is supposed to represent the experiences of teachers, students, parents, curriculum experts, and specialists, it provides an opportunity to organize educational activities according to the needs of society and the individual. This provides the basis for timely modification and development of all educational programs, including teaching and learning. As the curriculum also includes experiences gained from curriculum implementation, it also provides a basis for improving educational programs. Such improvement and continuity of development provide an opportunity to develop and modify the curriculum and all educational programs in line with the needs of the society and the development of science and technology and to provide continuity and dynamism in it.

The points mentioned have clarified the need and importance of the curriculum as well as the indispensability of the curriculum in the teaching-learning process. Thus, the suitability and effectiveness of the curriculum affect the effectiveness of all educational programs, including teaching and learning, so the suitability and effectiveness of curriculum development and modification have a significant impact on educational programs.

Therefore, for effective teaching and learning, it is necessary to develop and modify the curriculum in an appropriate manner. The curriculum should be amended because there is a need for continuous improvement and refinement in the curriculum for the educational programs that assimilate the changing needs of society and the development of technology.


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