Meaning into Words HSEB/ NEB Old Questions Class 11 English

Meaning into Words HSEB/ NEB Old Questions Class 11 English

Class 11 English HSEB NEB Old Questions
Class 11 English HSEB/ NEB Old Questions
HSEB/ NEB Old Questions Class 11 English

1. Places 

2067: What can you have done in the following places?[5]

a. Dentist’s

b. Hairdresser’s

c. Librarian’s

d. Mechanic’s

e. Optician’s 

2. Decisions and intentions 

2075: Decide ‘To Do’ things, and add a reason.[5]

Example: To start my own business.

I think I will start my own business.

I have lots of money.

a. To go swimming

b. To learn to drive

c. To join a party

d. To give up smoking

e. To take my meal 

2074:: Add decisions to these remarks:[5]

a. I am a bit tired today. I think ………………

b. You have just passed your exam ………..

c. He is getting irritated ……………….

d. They have had enough to eat …………

e. She looks happy with her job ………….
2073: Add a decision to these remarks:[5]

Example: I am getting much too thin…….

I think I will take more nutritious foods.

a. I am not satisfied with this job ……….

b. She seems very friendly ………

c. I am a bit hungry today ………..

d. I really must try and get rid of this cold …….

e. I hope my parents are not worried about me ……… 

2073: Add a decision to these remarks:[5]

a. I am fed up with my job ……….

b. She seems very friendly ………..

c. I am a bit tired tonight …….

d. I should try to get rid of this cough …………

e. I hope my mother is not worried about me …….. 

2071: Add a decision to these remarks:[5]

a. I am getting too much fat.

b. I am fed up with my job.

c. She seems very friendly.

d. I really must try and get rid of this cough…….

e. I hope they are not worried about me….

2069: Decide to do/ not to do these things and add a reason.[5] 

Example: go for a walk

I think I will go for a walk.

The weather is lovely.

a. To learn to drive

b. To go swimming

c. Not to have any more to eat

d. Not to invite jane to your party

e. To give up smoking 

2066: Add a decision to these remarks:[5]

a. I am a bit tired today. I think ……..

b. She is getting much too thin. I don’t think……….

c. You look happy with your job …..

d. They have had enough to eat ………..

e. Hitchhiking is terribly dangerous ……. 

3. Jobs and Routine

1. 2076: Write sentences on how often Chandru does different things as in the example.[5]

Example: Go swimming (Sunday, Tuesday, Friday)

He goes swimming three times a week.

a. Play basketball (Saturday, Thursday)

b. Eat out(Saturdays)

c. Polish shoes(Sunday, Thursday, Friday)

d. Wash college dress(Saturday, Wednesday)

e. Telephone parents(Tuesday evenings) 

2. 2076: Write sentences on how often Chantu does different things as in the example.[5]

Examples: Visit grandparents(January, June)

He visits grandparents twice a year.

a. Play football(Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday)

b. Eat out (Sundays)

c. Brush teeth (morning, evening)

d. Go abroad (March, September)

e. Change job (2010, 2012, 2014, 2016…….) 

3. 2075: Write down the profession of these people:[5]

a. Jimmy flies the plane.

b. Paras Khadka plays cricket.

c. He writes novels.

d. She sells medicines.

e. Dayahang rai acts in films. 

4. 2074: Explain what these people do[5] a. A cashier

b. A receptionist

c. A plumber

d. A pilot

e. A DJ 

5. 2074: Explain what these people do[5]

a. A night watchman

b. A mechanic

c. A receptionist

d. An air hostess

e. A gardener 

6. 2072: Explain what these people do[5]

a. A night watchman

b. A mechanic

c. A plumber

d. A receptionist

e. A secretary 

7. 2072: Write a conversation similar to the example given below:[5]

Example: A: Where do you work?

B: I work in the library.

C: Oh, so you are a librarian.

D: No, I am a book checker.

a. College / principal / lecturer

b. Police station / policeman / secretary 

8. 2072: Explain what these people do[5]

a. A cashier

b. A gardener

c. An air hostess

d. A receptionist

e. A plumber 

9. 2072: Write a sentence each saying how often Mark does different things.[5]

a. Have bath (morning, evening)

b. Visit parents (Sundays)

c. Change job (1998, 2000, 2002)

d. Have haircut (1 march, 15 march, 1 april,….)

e. See the doctor (January, june, july……) 

10. 2071: Explain what these people do[5]

a. A gardener

b. A secretary

c. A mother

d. A doctor

e. A nurse 

11. 2071: Explain what these people do[5]

a. A mechanic

b. A gardener

c. An architect

d. A plumber

e. A doctor 

12. 2071: Write a conversation similar to the example given below:[5]

Example: A: Where do you work?

B: I work in the library.

C: Oh, so you are a librarian.

D: No, I am a book checker.

a. Library / librarian / cleaner

b. Police station / policeman/ secretary 

13. 2071: Explain what these people do [5]

a. A cashier

b. A gardener

c. A plumber

d. A teacher

e. A bus driver 

14. 2071: Write a sentence each saying how often Mark does different things.[5]

a. Have bath (morning, evening)

b. Visit parents (Sundays)

c. Change job (1996, 2000, 2005)

d. Have hair cut (1 march, 15 march, 1 april…….)

e. See the doctor (January, june, july…….) 

15. 2070: Rewrite the following sentences using the adverbs from the list to show precise frequency; use once only.

Always, often, never, usually, occasionally

a. We go for a picnic.

b. I brush my teeth after food.

c. She has an English lesson.

d. I don’t drink wine.

e. Do you take a bath. 

16. 2070: Explain what these people do[5]

a. A receptionist

b. An air hostess

c. A plumber

d. A mechanic

e. A gardener 

17. 2070: Explain what these people do[5]

a. A mechanic

b. A plumber

c. A receptionist

d. An air hostess

e. A secretary

18. 2069: Explain what these people do[5]

a. A cashier

b. A mechanic

c. A plumber

d. A night watchman

e. A receptionist 

19. 2068: Change the following sentences into passive.[3]

a. His newspaper pays him a huge salary.

b. They publish all his articles.

c. They send him all over the world. 

20. 2067: Explain what these people do[5]

a. A cashier

b. A gardener

c. An airhostess

d. A receptionist

e. A plumber 

21. 2067: Change the following sentences into passive using ‘get’[5]

Example: People often telephone me in the middle of the night.

Ans: I often get telephoned in the middle of the night.

a. Now and again they call me to a road accident.

b. People occasionally threaten me.

c. People usually leave me a tip.

d. People give me something to eat now and again.

e. From time to time, they ask me for my autograph. 

22. 2061: Write a sentence each saying how often Mark does different things.[5]

a. Have bath (morning/evening)

b. Visit parents (Sundays)

c. Change job (1996, 2000, 2005)

d. Have haircut (1 march, 20 march, 1 april……..)

e. See the doctor (January, feb, march) 

23. 2060: Write a conversation similar to the example given below:[5]

Example: A: Where do you work?

B: I work in the library.

C: Oh, so you are a librarian.

D: No, I am a book checker. 

a. Police station / policeman / secretary

b. Library / librarian / cleaner

c. Language school / language teacher? /Sweeper

d. Bus station / ticket collector? / porter

e. Airport / pilot? / air hostess 

24. 2058: Explain what these people do[5]

a. A cashier

b. A mechanic

c. A plumber

d. A night watchman

e. A receptionist 

4. Direction

1. 2075: Write appropriate prepositions in the gaps.[5]

a. His bullet whistled ……… my ear, so I shot him right ……….. the eyes.

b. He came …….. her and put his arm ……….. her waist.

c. The prisoner jumped ……… the window, ran …….. the street.

d. Looking ……. the microscope , she saw the two cells separate more slowly ………. each other.

e. They could not get ……. the high wall, so they dug a tunnel …….. it. 

2. 2057: Complete the following sentences by filling the blank with the best word from the brackets.[5]

a. Rita walked …….. (through/between/across) the door.

b. The dog ran ….. (through/between/across) the road.

c. The students fell …… (down/off/between) the wall.

d. The river flows …… (under/between/along) the bridge.

e. The woman cycled ……. (through/down/out of) the hill. 

5. Past Events

1. 2075: Construct passive sentences for each of the following . choose the most suitable verb from the list.[5]

a. America (Christopher Columbus)

b. St. Paul’s Cathedral ( Christopher Wren)

c. London ( Fire 1666)

d. Penicillin (Alexander Fleming)

e. Mona Lisa ( Leonardo Da vinci)

( destroy, invent, discover, build, paint) 

2. 2075: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions.[5]

a. Can you say what will happen …… the next century?

b. My brother was born ….. Sunday 3rd January.

c. We will come to your house ……….the end of this month.

d. They threw the rubbish out ….. the window.

e. The theft occurred ……. Night. 

3. 2073: Construct passive sentences for each of the following. Use the appropriate verbs.[5]

a. Hamlet (William Shakespeare) found

b. London (1666) assassinate

c. The pyramids (ancient Egyptians) build

d. President Kennedy (Dallas: 1963) destroy

e. The society of authors (1884) write 

4. 2071: Construct passive sentences for each of the following. Use the appropriate verbs.[5]

a. America (Christopher Columbus)

b. St. Paul’s Cathedral ( Christopher Wren)

c. London ( Fire 1666)

d. Penicillin (Alexander Fleming)

e. President Kennedy (Dallas, 1963) 

5. 2070: Write sentences in the past tense using the verbs given below:[5]

Drive, seek, crawl, ride, lie 

6. 2067: Construct passive sentences for each of the following. Use the appropriate verbs.[5]

a. Hamlet (William Shakespeare) found

b. London (1666) assassinate

c. The pyramids (ancient Egyptians) build

d. President Kennedy (Dallas: 1963) destroy

e. The society of authors (1884) write 

7. 2066: Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:[5]

a. Moona was born …….. Tuesday , 15 june.

b. What will happen ……. The 22nd century?

c. We must pay our bills …….. the end of june.

d. You must take ……. Your shoes before entering a temple.

e. Do not throw rubbish out ………. The window. 

8. 2065: Using the information below, write a sentence each in the passive.[5]

a. Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da vinci, paint

b. Penicillin, Alexander Fleming, discover

c. The pyramids, Ancient Egyptians, build

d. The Singh Durbar, the Rana regime, build

e. Muna Madan, Devkota, write 

9. 2058: Use the following verbs in the passive voice.[5]

a. Publish

b. Send

c. Cheat

d. Arrest

e. Confiscate 

10. 2056: Write answers for the following questions using the words in brackets. Begin each answer with the words given.[5]

Example: when was your brother born? My brother …….(1992)

: My brother was born in 1992.

a. What time did she get up this morning?

She got up …….. (7 o’clock)

b. When did you first meet Ben?

I first met Ben ……. (three weeks ago)

c. When did you buy your shoes?

I bought my shoes ……. (January)

d. When was the invented?

The bicycle was invented ….. (the 19th century)

e. When did they go to India?

They went to India …….. (the summer) 

6. Talking about now 

1. 2076: Change the following sentences as in the example:[5]

Example: Somebody’s watching us.

: there is somebody watching us.

: we are being watched.
a. Someone’s following us.

b. A man’s feeding the tigers.

c. Someone’s looking after the children.

d. Nobody’s using the car today.

e. Is anyone using this room? 

2. 2075: Change the following sentences as in the example:[5]

Example: somebody’s watching us.

: we’re being watched.

a. Someone’s following us.

b. Some men are pulling down the house.

c. Another car’s overtaking us.

d. Someone’s looking after the children.

e. Two policeman are questioning the man. 

3. 2075: Change the following sentences into passive.[5]
a. The maid is cleaning the bed once a week.

b. The school children are taking languages classes once a fortnight.

c. They are following me.

d. The manager is asking the cashier for cash.

e. The government is providing identity card for senior citizens. 

4. 2074: Change the following sentences into passive.[5]

a. Someone is following us.

b. The bike is overtaking us.

c. A man is feeding the tiger.

d. Nobody is using the bike today.

e. Some children are pulling the rope. 

5. 2074: Change the following sentences as shown in the example:[5]

Example: somebody’s watching us.

: we’re being watched.

a. Someone is following us.

b. Some men are pulling down the house.

c. Another car’s overtaking us.

d. Someone’s looking after the children.

e. Two policeman are questioning the man. 

6. 2073: Change the following sentences into passive.[5]

a. The mother is looking after the children.

b. Nobody is guarding the cattle.

c. A man is feeding the chickens.

d. The boys are pulling the rope.

e. School students are teasing the dogs. 

7. 2072: Change the following sentences into passive.[5]

a. The parents looking after the children.

b. Nobody is watching the pets today.

c. The street boys are smashing the windows.

d. The outsiders are damaging the flowers.

e. The seniors are reading Muna Madan these days.

8. 2072: Change the following sentences as shown in the example:[5]

Example: somebody’s watching us.

: we’re being watched.

a. Nobody is giving us money.

b. A policeman is questioning the man.

c. Is anyone reading the book?

d. We are overtaking another car.

e. They are following us. 

9. 2070: Add an explanation to each of the remarks below saying what is happening.[5]

Example: Pass me a paper handkerchief.

: My nose is running.

a. I’m afraid you can’t use that room just now.

b. There is no need to worry about the children.

c. We need to have our roof repaired.

d. You’d better hurry up and eat that ice cream.

e. Don’t go out in your sandals. 

10. Change the following sentences as shown in the example:[5]

Example: somebody’s watching us.

: we’re being watched.

a. A man is feeding the tiger.

b. Is anyone using this room?

c. Another car is overtaking us.

d. Someone’s following us.

e. Some men are pulling down the house. 

11. 2069: Change the following sentences as shown in the example:[5]

Example: somebody’s watching us.

: we’re being watched

a. The children are being looked after.

b. The cows are being fed.

c. The prisoner is not being guarded.

d. Is the tea being made?

e. The car isn’t being used today. 

12. 2066: Change the following sentences as shown in the example:[5]

Example: somebody’s watching us.

: we’re being watched

a. Nobody is giving us money.

b. A policeman is questioning the man.

c. Is anyone reading the book?

d. We are overtaking another car.

e. They are following us. 

13. 2062: Add an explanation to each of the remarks below saying what is happening:[5]

Example: don’t go out in your sandals.

: its pouring with rain.

a. Pass me a paper handkerchief.

b. I’m afraid you can’t use that room just now.

c. We need to have our roof repaired.

d. You’d better hurry up and eat that ice cream.

e. There is no need to worry about the children. 

14. 2062: Change the following sentences as shown in the example:[5]

Example: we’re being watched.

: somebody is watching us.

a. The children are being looked after.

b. The cows are being fed.

c. The prisoner is not being guarded.

d. Is the tea being made?

e. The car is not being used today. 

15. 2059: Change the following sentences as shown in the example:[5]

Example: somebody’s watching us.

: we’re being watched

a. Someone’s following us.

b. Some men are pulling down the house.

c. Another car is overtaking us.

d. Someone’s looking after the children.

e. Two policemen are questioning the man. 

7. Requests and offers

1. 2072: Write a similar conversation as in the example.[5]

Example: A: Would you mind not switching on your radio? I’m reading.

B: Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know that.

a. Make/ a noise

b. Speak / English

c. Sing / songs

d. Shut / the door

e. Phone / this week 

2. 2068: Write a similar conversation as in the example.[5]

Example: A: Would you mind not switching on your radio? I’m reading.

B: Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know that.

a. Tapping her / his foot

b. Speaking English

c. Blowing smoke in your face

d. Interrupting you

e. Humming songs 

3. 2065: What will you say in the following situations as indicated.[5]

a. You want your mother to wake you up in the morning. ( making a request)

b. You want your friend to return a library book for you. ( making a request)

c. You are staying at your uncle’s house. You want to invite your friends over there. ( asking for permission)

d. Your friends look thirsty. ( making an offer)

e. Your friend has not seen much of your place. (making an offer) 

4. 2061: Report the following using the past tense.[5]

a. Sita : Do you think you could lend me Rs.500?

b. Madan : Would it be all right If I brought the children?

c. Gita : Would you mind helping me with the washing up?

d. Shyam : can I come too?

e. Pasang : Do you mind if I phone my parents? 

5. 2057: Write sentences making requests and offers for each of the situations given below. Begin each sentence with the words given in brackets.[5]

Example: you want to borrow a friend’s bicycle. ( would you mind……)

Answer: would you mind lending me your bicycle?

a. You want your friend to open a window. ( would you mind….)

b. You want your friend to stop talking. ( could you stop…..)

c. You want your teacher to help you. (I don’t suppose….)

d. You want to offer your friend a cup of tea. ( would you…)

e. You want to leave the leave. ( do you mind…..) 

8. Recent Actions and Activities

1. 2072: Write two sentences about each of these people.[5]

Example: Madan is unemployed.

a. He has not found the job yet.

b. He is still looking for a job.

i. Her library book is overdue.

ii. Sita’s article is only half written.

iii. Alex doesn’t have driving license.

iv. Krishna’s house is still in the market.

v. The guests are still in the hall. 

2. 2070: Write two sentences about each of these people.[5]

Example: Madan is unemployed.

a. He has not found the job yet.

b. He is still looking for a job.

a. Jack’s library book is overdue.

b. Olga’s article is only half written.

c. Alex doesn’t have driving license.

d. Wendy’s house is still in the market.

e. The hostages are still in the hall. 

3. 2070: Write two sentences about each of these people.[5]

i. Saying what they haven’t done yet.

ii. Saying what they are still doing.

a. Peter is unemployed.

b. Wendy’s house is still in the market.

c. Alex doesn’t know whether he passed his exams.

d. Tony is a bachelor. 

e. Julia is not in the office- it’s her lunchtime. 

4. 2064: Write two sentences about each of these people using yet and still telling what these people.

i. Have not done yet

ii. What they are still doing

Examples: Shyam is unemployed.

i. He hasn’t found a job yet.

ii. He’s still looking for a job.

a. Lisa doesn’t know whether she has passed her exams.

b. Ajit’s house is still on the bank of the river.

c. Shankar’s essay is only half written.

d. Mary is not in her office – it’s her lunchtime.

e. Peter is a bachelor. 

9. Comparison

1. 2074: Rewrite the following sentebces using the comparative forms so that they mean the same as in the example.[5]

Example: My elder sister earns Rs. 15000 a month, but she spends Rs 16000 a month.

i. My elder sister spends more than she earns.

ii. My elder sister doesn’t earn as much as she spends.

a. Sushmita plays the piano quite well, but she sings even better.

b. The chair is really very comfortable , though it doesn’t look at.

c. He goes running every morning and he plays squash twice a week.

d. She does not sound friendly on the telephone, but she is extremely friendly.

e. He bought three kilos of sausages, but we only needed two. 

2. 2056: Write two sentences comparing the words given below. Use the word in brackets and begin each sentence with the first word given.[5]

Example 1: Kathmandu/ Dhankuta(big). Kathmandu………

Kathmandu is bigger than Dhankuta.

Example 2: Pokhara / Kathmandu(big). Pokhara…..

Pokhara is not as big as Kathmandu.


Rocks/ feather (heavy)



Fish/ human beings (intelligent)



Palpa/Jhapa (flat)



The top of Mt. Everest/the Terai(cold)

The top of Mt. Everest………


Cars/ bicycles (expensive)


10. The Past and the Present

1. 2076: Use the passive to talk about the changes in the village.[5]

a. The atmosphere of the village ………

b. The old cottages ………

c. A luxury hotel ……..

d. The streets ………

e. The village shop ………….. 

2. 2075: Change the following sentences using ‘used to’.[5]

a. He lived in France as a boy.

b. At one time there were trees in the garden.

c. They came out in those days.

d. I sent letters to my friends.

e. How did you spend the days? 

3. 2075: Change the following sentences using ‘used to’.[5]

a. I was in love with her.

b. We went to school together.

c. How did you spend the winter evening?

d. Trains were driven by steam at one time.

e. They did not go out in those days. 

4. 2074: Change the following sentences using ‘used to’.[5]

a. He lived in France as a boy.

b. I was in love with her.

c. How did you spend your vacation?

d. At one time there were trees in the garden.

e. They did not go out in those days. 

5. 2073: Change the following sentences using ‘used to’.[5]

a. He lived in France as a boy.

b. At one time there were trees in the garden.

c. They came out in those days.

d. I was in love with her.

e. How did you spend the winter evening? 

6. 2073: Change the following sentences using ‘used to’.[5]

a. He lived in Nepal as a boy.

b. At one time there was lot of open field in Kathmandu.

c. He was close to her.

d. Both Manoj and Robin went to school together.

e. There were a lot of devotees in the Janaki Temple, Janakpur. 

7. 2072: Change the following sentences using ‘used to’.[5]

a. We had a lot of milk in our home.

b. What you did in summar in those days.

c. Buses were driven by steam at one time.

d. We spent the winter in the open.

e. The children didn’t go out much in the evenings. 

8. 2072: Change the following sentences using ‘used to’.[5]

a. I was in love with her.

b. He lived in London as a teacher.

c. We went to school together.

d. We had our milk delivered.

e. There was widespread unemployment at that time. 

9. 2071: The following sentences are concerned with habitual past actions or with past states. Change them using ‘used to’.[5]

a. He lived in America as a boy.

b. I was in love with her.

c. We had our milk delivered.

d. We went to school together.

e. At one time there were trees in the garden. 

10. 2071: Use the passive to talk about the changes in the village. Follow the example.[5]

Example: They have developed the village as a tourist resort.

The village has been developed as a tourist resort.

a. The atmosphere of the village …………

b. The old cottages ……….

c. A standard school ………

d. A car park ……..

e. The village shop …….. 

11. 2070: Change the following sentences using ‘used to’.[5]

a. He lived in France as a boy.

b. At one time there were trees in the garden.

c. They came out in those days.

d. I was in love with her.

e. How did you spend the winter evening? 

12. 2070: Here are some things that Mike remembers about his childhood.

Rewrite each sentences with ‘I remember + ……… ing.[5]

Example: I used to eat meat once a week.

I remember eating meat once a week.

a. I used to play football in the street.

b. I had my hair cut once a fortnight.

c. I ran away from home when I was thirteen.

d. My father used to come home drunk.

e. I used to get some pocket money once a week. 

13. 2067: Change the following sentences using ‘used to’.[5]

a. He lived in Italy.

b. I was in love with her.

c. What did you do in the summer.

d. We went to zoo together.

e. We had our goods delivered.

14. 2067: Change the following sentences into habitual past actions using ‘used to’.

a. He lived in France as a boy.

b. At one time there were trees in the garden.

c. I was in love with her.

d. We had our milk delivered.

e. Trains were driven by steam at one time. 

15. 2063: Change the following passive sentences into active as shown in the example.

Example: the village has been developed as a tourist spot.

They have developed the village as a tourist spot.

a. A star hotel has been built.

b. The streets have been widened.

c. The old cottages have been repaired.

d. The large wall has been coloured.

e. The elderly people have been cared well. 

16. 2059: Change the following sentences using ‘used to’.[5]

a. He lived in France as a boy.

b. At one time there were trees in the garden.

c. They came out in those days.

d. I was in love with her.

e. How did you spend the winter evening? 

11. Likes and Dislikes 

1. 2075: Rewrite the following sentences using having or being whichever is appropriate.[5]

a. I adore people giving me expensive presents.

b. I love people bringing my breakfast to me in bed.

c. I enjoy people taking me to expensive restaurant.

d. I love people taking my photograph.

e. I hate people asking my age in public. 

2. 2075: Change the following sentences using having or being whichever is appropriate.[5]

a. I hate people criticizing my work.

b. I love people when they praise me.

c. I adore people who compliment me.

d. I like people telephoning me after 9:30.

e. I admire people who help me in trouble. 

3. 2075: Rewrite the following sentences using having or being whichever is appropriate.[5]

a. I don’t mind journalist following about.

b. I love people bringing my breakfast to me in bed.

c. I like people admiring my clothes.

d. I hate people telephoning me early in the morning.

e. I love people taking my photograph.

4. 2074: Change the following sentences using having or being whichever is appropriate.[5]

a. I like my boss sending me to different parts of the country.

b. I love people serving me tasty foods.

c. I adore people encouraging me all the time.

d. I admire people helping me with my study.

e. I appreciate people serving me tea in bed. 

5. 2074: Rewrite the following sentences using having or being whichever is appropriate.[5]

a. I hate people telephoning me early in the morning.

b. I love people taking my photograph.

c. I adore people giving me expensive presents.

d. I detest people interrupting me.

e. I like people offering me the coffee. 

6. 2073: Add a general statement , saying that what each of the people likes to do, as in example.[5]

Example: Dinesh reads two newspapers, and watches all the current affairs programmes on TV.

In other words, Dinesh likes to keep up with world events.

a. Mina does not allow talking in class and her students have to stand up when she comes in.

b. When he is abroad, Ujjwal sends a lot of emails and phones home every week.

c. Suchita goes out every night and has a party most weekends.

d. Basanta goes for morning walk every day and plays a lot of football.

e. She cleans her rooms every day. 

7. 2073: For each of the choices below, say which you prefer.[5]

Example: eat in a restaurant /eat at home

: I prefer eating at home to eating in a restaurant.

a. Watch TV/ listen to the radio

b. Play cards / play tennis

c. Learn English / learn maths

d. Tea / coffee

e. Swim in a swimming pool/ swim in a lake. 

8. 2072: Change the following sentences using having or being whichever is appropriate.[5]

a. I hate people telephoning me early in the morning.

b. I love having my photograph taken.

c. I enjoy people taking me to party.

d. I love people bringing my breakfast to me in bed.

e. I adore people giving me expensive presents. 

9. 2072: Change the following sentences using having or being whichever is appropriate.[5]

a. I love people taking my photograph.

b. I hate people disturbing me early in the morning.

c. I enjoy people helping me in my difficulty.

d. I admire people giving me good advice.

e. I avoid friends backbiting me all the time. 

10.2070: Rewrite the following sentences using having or being whichever is appropriate.[5]

a. I like people admiring my clothes.

b. I don’t mind journalists following me about.

c. I enjoy people taking me to expensive restaurants.

d. I love people bringing my breakfast to my room.

e. I adore people giving me expensive presents. 

11.2070: Change the following sentences using having or being whichever is appropriate.[5]

a. I hate people telephoning me early in the morning.

b. I love people taking my photograph.

c. I enjoy people taking me to expensive restaurants.

d. I love people bringing my breakfast to my room.

e. I adore people giving me expensive presents. 

12.2069: For each of the choices below, say which you prefer.[5]

a. Eat in restaurant / eat at home

b. Play cards/ play tennis

c. Learn English / learn maths

d. Tea / coffee

e. Swim in pool/ swim in the sea. 

13.2064: Rewrite the following sentences using having or being whichever is appropriate.[5]

a. I hate people telephoning me early in the morning.

b. I love people taking my photograph.

c. I adore people giving me expensive presents.

d. I love people bringing my breakfast to me in bed.

e. I like people admiring my clothes. 

14.2063: Add a general statement , saying what each of the following people likes to do, as in the example.[5]

Example: Mala reads two newspaper, and watches all the current affairs programmes on Tv.

: In other words , Mala likes to keep up with world events.

a. Anu does not allow talking in class, and her students have to stand up when she comes in.

b. When he is abroad, Aman sends a lot of emails and phones home every week.

c. Aaditya goes out every night and has a party most weekends.

d. Shanti goes for morning walk every day and plays a lot of basketball.

e. Januka writes a few letters in the morning on Saturdays and she does all her cleaning during the daytime. 

12. Events and Circumstances

1. 2076: Read the newspaper headlines below and explain what they mean.[5]

Example: Express derailed at 90 mph:

An express train was derailed while it was travelling at 90 miles per hour.

a. Officer’s son kidnapped on the way to school.

b. Player fell on the road.

c. Man with drug arrested at the Bus park.

d. Student caught by the invigilator.

e. Police arrested a culprit. 

2. 2076: Read the newspaper headlines below and explain what they mean.[5]

Example: Express derailed at 90 mph:

An express train was derailed while it was travelling at 90 miles per hour.

a. Student caught by the invigilator.

b. Man with homemade liquor arrested at the bus park.

c. Player injured in a match.

d. Ambassador’s son kidnapped on the way to school.

e. Night bus hijacked on the highway. 

3. 2075: Write two sentences using when and while.[5]

Example: Meet my old friend/ I go to bazaar. I ……

Ans: I met my old friend while I was going to bazaar.

Ans: I was going to bazaar when I met my old friend.

a. Find a Rs. 100 note/ do the washing. He …….

b. Hear the news/ have dinner. We ……

c. Read a novel/ fall asleep. I ……..

d. Get on the bus/ be arrested. She ……..

e. Lose consciousness / throw water on the flames. He …….. 

4. 2073: Explain what the newspaper article mean.[5]

a. Express derailed at 90mph.

b. Tara aeroplane crashed over Myagdi.

c. Ambassador’s son kidnapped on the way to school.

d. Tomatoes thrown at the Minister during speech.

e. Man with bomb arrested at the bus park. 

5. 2073: Explain what the newspaper article mean.[5]

a. Express derailed at 90mph.

b. Aeroplane crashed over Jumla.

c. Minister’s son kidnapped on the way to school.

d. Tomatoes thrown at the leader during speech.

e. Man with bomb arrested at the stadium. 

6. 2071: Put the verbs in brackets into correct form.

a. I could see a man (sit) on the balcony and (read) a newspaper.

b. Then I saw him (get) up and (go) indoors.

c. I turned around and (see) a snake slowly (slither) towards me.

d. I (look) at it for a minute.

e. Then I (run) away from there. 

7. 2070: Explain what the newspaper article means.[5]

a. Tomatoes thrown at the Minister during speech.

b. Man with bomb arrested at Heathrow.

c. Golfer struck by lightning.

d. Boeing 747 hijacked over Atlantic.

e. Ambassador’s son kidnapped on the way to school. 

8. Match the events and the circumstances in the two lists below. Join each pair using (i) when (ii) while.[5]

Events Circumstances

a. His pen ran out ink. He was tidying his room.

b. He burnt his hand. He was being given injection.

c. He lost consciousness. He was going to the market.

d. He met with an accident. He was writing an answer.

e. He found a thousand rupee note. He was taking the potato out of the oven 

9. 2069: Write two sentences using when and while.[5]

a. Find a Rs.20 note/ do the washing. He …….

b. Hear the news/have dinner. We ……..

c. Read a novel/ fall asleep. I ……

d. Got on the bus/ be arrested. She …….

e. Lose consciousness/ throw water on the flames. He ……….. 

10. 2062: Match the events and the circumstances:[5]

Event Circumstances

She burnt her hand.

She was being given injection.

She lost consciousness.

She was having her breakfast

She found her passport.

She was taking meal out of the oven

Her pen ran out.

She was writing a cheque.

She bit her tongue.

She was tidying her room.

13. Leisure Activities and Skills

1. 2072: Write about any five of the following activities.[5]

Example: Fishing

A: I do (quite) a lot of fishing.

B: I don’t do much fishing.

C: I don’t do any fishing.

Gardening, swimming, cooking, washing, reading, yoga, painting 

14. Advice

1. 2075: Read the following example and explain giving a reason, as in the example.[5] Example: Whys is it a good idea to carry an umbrella when you go out in Britain?

Because it might rain anytime.

Why is it a good idea to:

a. Wash your hands before you eat?

b. Drive slowly in the crowded area?

c. Go for a morning walk regularly?

d. Put a padlock on your bicycle?

e. Read all the questions properly before you start writing answers? 

2. 2075: Give the suggestions to these people using ‘you should’ or ‘you ought to’.[5]

a. I don’t seem to be able to lose weight.

b. I can’t express my love to Rita.

c. Where should I go for my vacation?

d. I failed in the exam.

e. I missed the first half of the movie. 

3. 2074: Give a suggestion to your friend who is going mountain climbing.[5]

4. 2073: Using ought to/ you had better/ you should/ advise him/her what he/she should do.[5]

a. I don’t seem to be able to lose weight.

b. I have had pain for the last two hours.

c. I can’t get to sleep.

d. I can’t open this lid.

e. I have lost my checkbook. 

5. 2073: Using ought to/ you had better/ you should/ advise him/her what he/she should do.[5]

a. I don’t seem to be able to lose weight.

b. I have had hiccups for the last two hours.

c. I can’t get to sleep.

d. I can’t open this lid.

e. I have lost my job. 

6. 2071: Give a piece of advice to these people.[5]

a. My wife has left me.

b. I have lost my English book.

c. I can’t go to sleep at night.

d. I’m unable to get good marks in the exam.

e. I’ve lost my wallet. 

7. 2066: Complete these sentences as given in the example.[5]

Example: Why is it a good idea to carry an umbrella when you go out in Britain?

Because it might rain anytime.

Why is it a good idea to:

a. Put a padlock on your bicycle?

b. Read all the questions properly before you start writing answers?

c. Wash your hands before you eat?

d. Go for a morning walk regularly?

e. Drive slowly in the crowded area? 

8. 2065: Give suggestions to these people.[5]

a. I don’t seem to be able to lose weight.

b. I can’t go to sleep at night.

c. I am madly in love with Sita, but she won’t even look at me.

d. My car won’t start.

e. I missed my classes. 

9. 2061: Give a piece of advice to these people.[5]

a. My wife has left me.

b. I have lost my cheque book.

c. We can’t control our 16 years old son.

d. I can’t go to sleep at night.

e. I am madly in love with Maya, but she won’t even look at me. 

15. Origin and Duration

1. 2073: Ask a question about the following situation using ‘how long…..?’[5]

a. I am driving a car slowly nowadays.

b. She is taking music classes these days.

c. He has been writing a novel.

d. They are taking writing classes.

e. He is taking extra classes in English. 

2. 2072: Ask a question about the following situation using ‘how long…..?’[5]

a. I am driving a bike nowadays.

b. They are taking piano lessons.

c. He has been writing a book.

d. She has been taking writing classes.

e. He has been taking extra classes. 

3. 2071: Write similar conversation as shown in the example.[5]

Example: learn to drive?

A: When did you learn to drive?

B: I learnt to drive when I was 20. How about you?

A: I learnt to drive when I was 18, I didn’t learn to drive till I was 20. 

i. Learn to swim?

ii. Start learning English? 

4. 2066: Write similar conversation as shown in the example.[5]

Example: I know your sister. (september)

A: how long have you known to her?

B: I have known her since September.

C: (to A) when did he meet her?

A: he met her in September. 

a. I’m engaged now, you know. (july)

b. I’m writing a novel. (a few weeks)

c. I go to evening classes. (three months)

d. I know that joke already. ( years and years)

e. I have got a movie camera. (Christmas) 

5. 2058: Write a similar conversation as shown in the example.[5]

Example: I know your sister. (september)

A: how long have you known to her?

B: I have known her since September.

C: (to A) when did he meet her?

A: he met her in September.

a. I’m engaged now, you know. (july)

b. I’m writing a novel. (a few weeks) 

6. 2057: Write answers for the following questions using the words in brackets. Begin each sentence with the words given.[5]

Questions: How long have you been a student?

I’ve been a student ………(twelve years)

Answer: I’ve been a student for twelve years.

a. How long have you had a bicycle?

I’ve had a bicycle …….. (six months)

b. When did he learn to cook rice?

He learnt to cook rice …….. (two years)

c. How long ago did you become a student?

I became a student …….. (twelve years)

d. How long have they been watching her?

They have been watching her ……. (two o’clock)

e. When did Gautam’s brother leave his village?

Gautam’s brother left his village ……….. ( January) 

16. Location

1. 2076: Fill in the gaps with( in, on, at) whichever is correct.[5]

a. Tickets must be shown ….. the barrier.

b. There is a newspaper shop ……. My way to college.

c. My college is …… the bank line.

d. There are two islands…….. the lake.

e. There are crowds of people ………. the lake having a sunbath. 

2. 2076: Fill in the gaps with( in, on, at )whichever is correct.[5]

a. Have you got an electric blanket …………. Your bed.

b. There is a ticket machine ………. the entrance to the car park.

c. Youe college is………. the cinema hall line.

d. I have got a hot water bottle …… bed.

e. Tickets must be shown ………the gate. 

3. 2076: Fill in the gaps with( in, for, by, of, at) whichever is correct.[5]

a. He is accused ……theft.

b. He is mostly ……..the library.

c. They are good …….cricket.

d. He travels …….bus.

e. She was late ……..her duty. 

4. 2074: Fill in the gaps with( in, on, to, at) whichever is correct.[5]

a. There are some dogs ……that field.

b. There’s a café …….my way to the office.

c. He spent the day sunbathing …………the beach.

d. She was standing ……… the entrance ……the car park. 

5. 2073: Fill in the gaps with( in, on, at) whichever is correct.[5]

a. Have you got an electric blanket …….your bed?

b. There is a ticket machine ………. the entrance to the car park.

c. He spent the day sunbathing …………the swimming pool.

d. There are various species of fish …….the water.

e. There are a lot of flies …….the kitchen ceiling. 

6. 2071: Fill in the gaps with( in, on, at, for or about) whichever is correct.[5]

a. I saw him ………the afternoon.

b. He had been hit …….the head.

c. …….night you can see the stars.

d. There is no need ……….you to go.

e. She has written a book ………flowers. 

7. 2071: Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions whichever is correct.[5]

a. Have you got an electric blanket ………your bed?

b. L have only got a hot water bottle ………mine.

c. There is a ticket machine ………. the entrance to the car park.

d. In summer, there are always flies ………..the kitchen ceiling.

e. She spent the day sunbathing ………….the swimming pool. 

8. 2071: Fill in the gaps with( in, on, at, for, to) whichever is correct.[5]

a. There is a fly …….a wall.

b. A cow is grazing …….the field.

c. He was born ……..1980.

d. They are going ……..long walks.

e. There is a book ………the table. 

9. 2070: Fill in the gaps with( in, on, at, for, of) whichever is correct.[5]

a. He is responsible …….his duty.

b. She is aware ……her work.

c. She got married ……the age of 25.

d. I met her ……my way to college yesterday.

e. There are some sheep ………the field. 

10. 2066:: Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions whichever is correct.[5]
a. My job is different ……….his job.

b. Have you interested………business studies.

c. They came out ……….the tunnel and ran away.

d. I saw the man standing ………..the gate yesterday.

e. An insane person was running ……the street. 

11. 2065: Fill in the gaps with( in, on, at) whichever is correct.[5]

a. Have you got an electric blanket …….your bed? I’ve got a hot water bottle ……..mine.

b. There is a ticket machine ………the entrance to the car park.

c. Kathmandu is situated ……..Bagmati zone.

d. In summer, there are always flies …………the kitchen ceiling. 

12. 2064: Fill in the gaps with( in, on, at) whichever is correct.[5]

a. There is a ticket machine ………the entrance to the car park.

b. In summer, there are always flies …………the kitchen ceiling.

c. Have you got an electric blanket …….your bed? I have only got a pillow ……mine.

d. There is a newspaper shop … way to the office. 

13. 2060: Fill in the gaps with( in, on, at, to) whichever is correct.[5]

a. She was standing ……..the entrance ……….the car park.

b. There is a newspaper shop … way to the office.

c. She spent the day sunbathing ………….the swimming pool.

d. There are some cows ………that field. 

14. 2059: Fill in the gaps with( in, on, at) whichever is correct.[5]

a. Have you got an electric blanket …….your bed? I have only got a hot water bottle …….mine.

b. There is a ticket machine ………the entrance to the car park.

c. In summer, there are always flies …………the kitchen ceiling.

d. She spent the day sunbathing ………….the swimming pool. 

15. 2057: Fill in the blanks choosing best word from the brackets.[5]

a. Sarah sat …….(at/in/of) the library.

b. Everyone drank tea ……..(also/and/but) Mary didn’t.

c. The book is ……(at/in/on) the table.

d. Most …….(in/of/for) the students arrived on time.

e. The coat is ……(in/of/for) my sister. 

16. 2056: Fill in the blanks choosing the best word from the brackets.[5]

a. There are fish swimming ……….(in/at/on) the river.

b. There are some goats ………(in/on/at) that field.

c. Lahan is ……..(in/on/at) the Mahendra Highway.

d. There is some writing ……..(in/on/at) the wall.

e. The Maldives are …….(in/on/at) the Indian ocean. 

17. Similarities and Differences

1. Respond to the following remarks in two different ways using so, nor/neither, too, either.[5]

a. I have a cold today.

b. I didn’t have breakfast this morning.

c. My sister lives in London.

d. I never watch TV.

e. My birthday was in August. 

2. 2072: Use the prompts below to have conversations as in the example.[5]

Example: breakfast

A: I had a boiled egg for breakfast.

B: So did I.

C: I had one too.

a. This evening

b. My dog

c. Three times a day

d. A party

e. Modern jazz 

18. Obligation

1. 2075: Answer the question below as given in the example.[5]

Example: How soon can I go home?

You can go home any time you like?

a. How often can I come and see you?

b. How many books can I borrow from the library?

c. How fast can I run?

d. How late can I stay out?

e. How long can I stay at your home? 

2. 2072: Write must, mustn’t, can, can’t, may whichever is needed in the following expressions.[5]

a. Her parents said to her, “You …….come home by 9 o’clock”.

b. You …… by cheque.

c. You ……….come in.

d. They ……..break the law.

e. We …….obey our parents. 

3. 2063: Answer the question below as given in the example.[5]

Example: How soon can I go home?

You can go home any time you like?

a. How often can I come and see you?

b. How much money can I borrow?

c. How fast can I run?

d. How late can I stay out?

e. How long can I stay at your home? 

4. 2062: Answer the question below as given in the example.[5]

Example: A: Do I have to sit here?

B: No, you can sit wherever you like.

C: I don’t mind where you sit.

a. What time should I come?

b. When can I visit you?

c. Do I have to drink coke?

d. Should I sleep in this room?

e. When do I have to get up? 

19. Prediction


20. Objects

1. 2076: Rewrite the sentences below as in the example.[5]

Example: Some kettles switch themselves off.

There were kettles that switch themselves off.

a. Some coffee percolators keep your coffee hot all day.

b. Some fridges can be fixed on the wall.

c. You can put some glass dishes in a hot oven.

d. Some saucepans stop your milk boiling over.

e. Some dishwashers can even get the egg off your plates. 

2. 2074: Change the following sentences as shown in the example.[5]

Example: Some kettles switch themselves off.

There were kettles that switch themselves off.

a. Some fridges can be fixed on the wall.

b. You can put some glass dishes in a hot oven.

c. Some saucepans stop your milk boiling over.

d. You can defrost some fridges without taking the food out.

e. Some dishwashers can even get the egg off your plates. 

3. 2073:: Change the following sentences as shown in the example.[5]

Example: Some kettles switch themselves off.

There were kettles that switch themselves off.

a. Some fridges can be fixed on the wall.

b. You can put some glass dishes in a hot oven.

c. Some saucepans stop your milk boiling over.

d. You can defrost some fridges without taking the food out.

e. Some dishwashers can even get the egg off your plates. 

4. 2067: Change the following sentences as shown in the example.[5]

Example: Some kettles switch themselves off.

There were kettles that switch themselves off.

a. Some coffee percolators keep your coffee hot all day.

b. Some fridges can be fixed on the wall.

c. You can put some glass dishes in a hot oven.

d. Some saucepans stop your milk boiling over.

e. Some dishwashers can even get the egg off your plates. 

5. 2058: Change the following sentences as shown in the example.[5]

Example: Some kettles switch themselves off.

There were kettles that switch themselves off.

a. Some fridges can be fixed on the wall.

b. You can put some glass dishes in a hot oven.

c. Some saucepans stop your milk boiling over.

d. You can defrost some fridges without taking the food out.

e. Some dishwashers can even get the egg off your plates. 

21. Degree

1. 2076: Make two sentences for each of the following (i) using too (ii) using not……..enough. use 'for' only where necessary.[5]

a. We arrived late. We could not get any dinner.

b. Don’t get married yet. You’re too young.

c. You can’t drink wine every day. It’s expensive.

d. Don’t eat that bread. It’s stale.

e. He spoke very fast. I couldn’t understand him. 

2. 2075: Use the words in brackets to continue the remarks below. Use ‘too-adjective’, or adjective + enough’ or too much/many + noun’ or ‘enough + noun’ as in the example.[5]

Example: We can’t buy a meal. (money)

We haven’t got enough money.

a. We’ll have to cancel the concert. (tickets)

b. I’m afraid we can’t all go in the car. (room)

c. I can’t drink this coffee. (sugar)

d. He can’t reach the shelf. (tall)

e. He’s not a good teacher. (patience) 

3. 2075: Read the example and write two sentences, as in the example, using

a. Too + adjective,

b. (not) adjective + enough, use for where necessary.[5]

Example: You can’t drink fruit juice every day. It is expensive.

i. The fruit juice is too expensive to drink every day.

ii. The fruit juice is not cheap enough to drink every day.

a. Don’t get married yet. You are too young.

b. The road is very steep. It is difficult to walk.

c. The clothes are dirty. You can’t wear them.

d. Don’t sit on the backbench. It is not safe.

e. The blanket is too thin. You can’t wear it in winter. 

4. 2075: Make a sentence for each of the following using ‘too’[5]

Example: We arrived late. We could not catch the bus.

Ans: We were too late to catch the bus.

a. She spoke very fast. I could not understand her.

b. Don’t eat that bread. It’s stale.

c. I cannot jump this wall. It is very high.

d. Don’t send your children far away. They are very young.

e. You cannot buy gold now. It’s very expensive. 

5. 2074: Read the example and write two sentences, as in the example, using

c. Too + adjective,

d. (not) adjective + enough, use for where necessary.[5]

Example: You can’t drink fruit juice every day. It is expensive.

iii. The fruit juice is too expensive to drink every day.

iv. The fruit juice is not cheap enough to drink every day.

a. The room is small. We can’t live here.

b. The bed is uncomfortable. We can’t sleep in it.

c. Don’t drive fast. The road is not smooth.

d. Don’t eat the bread. It is stale.

e. Your sweater is thin. You can’t wear it in winter. 

6. 2074: Change the following adjectives into nouns.[5]

Regional, confident, loving, thick, wide 

7. 2073: Fill in each space with ‘so’ or ‘such’ whichever needed[5]

a. I had to wait for them ………a long time that I early lost my patience.

b. The lake was …….wide that we had to spend a lot of time to swim across it.

c. Machhapuchhre is ……….beautiful peak that we are greatly attracted by it.

d. I did not imagine that you could make ………..a bad mistake.

e. The meal was ……delicious that we enjoyed it very much. 

8. 2072: Change the following adjectives into nouns.[5]

Religion, strength, patience, hunger, noun 

9. 2072: Make a sentence for each of the following using ‘too’[5]

Example: We arrived late. We could not catch the bus.

Ans: We were too late to catch the bus.

a. She arrived late. She could not get the bus.

b. Don’t get married yet. You are too young.

c. Don’t eat that cake. That is stale.

d. She talks very fast. I can’t understand her.

e. Don’t sit on the ground. It’s muddy. 

10. 2072: Make a sentence for each of the following using ‘too’[5]

Example: We arrived late. We could not catch the bus.

Ans: We were too late to catch the bus.

a. You could never wear those trousers in winter. They are too thin.

b. We couldn’t see through the window. They were dirty.

c. Don’t eat that food. It’s is stale.

d. The stream was too wide. You can’t jump across it.

e. He spoke very fast. I couldn’t understand him. 

11. 2072: Rewrite the following sentences using ‘too’.[5]

Example: We arrived late. We could not catch the bus.

Ans: We were too late to catch the bus.

a. She spoke very fast. I couldn’t understand her.

b. We arrived late. We could not attend the meeting.

c. The ceiling was very high. I could not touch it.

d. Don’t send your daughter to school. She is very young.

e. He is very busy now. He can’t give you time. 

12. 2070: Make two sentences for each of the following (i) using too (ii) using not……..enough. use for only where necessary.[5]

Example: he can’t climb the tree. He is too weak.

1. He is too weak to climb the tree.

2. He isn’t strong enough to climb the tree.

a. We arrived late. We could not get any dinner.

b. Don’t get married yet. You are too young.

c. Don’t eat the bread. It is stale.

d. He spoke very fast. I couldn’t understand him.

e. You can’t drink wine every day. It’s very expensive. 

13. 2070: Make a sentence for each of the following using ‘too’[5]

Example: We arrived late. We could not catch the bus.

Ans: We were too late to catch the bus.

a. Don’t get married yet. You are too young.

b. We couldn’t see through the window. They were dirty.

c. You’d better not sit on the ground. It’s damp.

d. We arrived late. We could not get any dinner.

e. He spoke very fast. I couldn’t understand him. 

14. 2070: Make two sentences for each of the following (i) using too (ii) using not……..enough. use for only where necessary.[5]

Example: he can’t climb the tree. He is too weak.

1. He is too weak to climb the tree.

2. He isn’t strong enough to climb the tree.

a. She spoke very fast. I could not understand her.

b. Don’t send your son to school. He is very young.

c. The ceiling was very high. My mother couldn’t touch it.

d. You’d better not sit on the ground. It’s damp.

e. We arrived late. We could not attend the meeting. 

15. 2070: Change the following sentences as shown in the example.

Example: he can’t climb the stairs. He is too weak.

Answer: He is not strong enough to climb the stairs.

a. You’d better not sit on the ground. It’s damp.

b. The river was wide. We could not across it.

c. Don’t swim in that lake. It’s dangerous.

d. We couldn’t see through the window. They were dirty.

e. The snake is deadly. I can’t catch it. 

16. 2069: Fill in the blanks with so or such whichever is suitable.[5]

a. There were …….many people on the plane that some of them had to stand.

b. We had to wait for the bus ……a long time that we nearly lost our patience.

c. It was …….a good meal that we enjoyed it very much.

d. The river was ……deep that we couldn’t cross it.

e. I didn’t imagine that she could make ……..a bad mistake. 

17. 2069: Use the words in brackets to continue the remarks below. Use ‘too+adjective’, or adjective + enough’ or too much/many + noun’ or ‘enough + noun’ as in the example.[5]

Example: We can’t buy a meal. (money)

We haven’t got enough money.

a. I can’t drink this coffee. (sugar)

b. He can’t reach the shelf. (tall)

c. He’s not a good teacher. (patience)

d. We’ll have to cancel the concert. (tickets)

e. I’m afraid we can’t all go in the car. (room) 

18. 2069: Fill in the blanks choosing from the list.

So/ such/ enough to/ too many/ too much/ so much. 

a. The bus had …….a nosy engine that he couldn’t hear it.

b. There are not …..books in the library.

c. His house is ………….cold that I have to wear a jacket.

d. She doesn’t have ……… for the clothes she ordered.

e. The car is ……….expensive that they can’t afford it. 

19. 2068: Change the following adjectives into nouns.[5]

Patience, ambitious, strong, tactful, dedicated 

20. 2068: Make a sentence for each of the following using ‘too’[5]

Example: We arrived late. We could not catch the bus.

Ans: We were too late to catch the bus.

a. We arrived late. We could not get any dinner.

b. Don’t get married yet. You are too young.

c. Don’t eat the bread. It is stale.

d. He spoke very fast. I couldn’t understand him.

e. You’d better not sit on the ground. It’s damp. 

21. 2063: Make two sentences for each of the following (i) using too (ii) using not……..enough. use 'for' only where necessary.[5]

Example: he can’t climb the tree. He is too weak.

1. He is too weak to climb the tree.

2. He isn’t strong enough to climb the tree.

a. She spoke very fast. I couldn’t understand her.

b. Don’t send your son to school. He is very young.

c. The ceiling was very high. My mother couldn’t touch it.

d. You’d better not sit on the ground. It’s damp.

e. We arrived late. We could not attend the meeting. 

22. 2057: Fill in the blanks choosing from the list.[5]

So/ such/ enough/ enough to/ too/ too much/ so much

Example: I have ………money to buy a new house.

Ans: I have enough money to buy a new house.

a. The bus had ………a noisy engine that he couldn’t hear the speaker.

b. There are not …..books in the library.

c. His house is ………….cold that I have to wear a jacket.

d. She doesn’t have ……… for the clothes she ordered.

e. The car is ……….expensive that they can’t afford it. 

22. Setting a Scene

1. 2074: Fill in the blanks choosing the best answer from the list.[5]

Lie, stand, flow, face, cross

a. The village ……….at the foot of the mountain.

b. The river which ………through the town was polluted.

c. He couldn’t see me because he ………..the other way.

d. We stopped to ask a policeman who ……on the corner.

e. An elderly woman who ……..the road was knocked down by a motorcyclist. 

2. 2071: Fill in the blanks choosing best answer from the list.[5]

Lie, stand, flow, face, cross

a. He couldn’t see me because he …….the other way.

b. An elderly woman who ……..the road was knocked down by a motorcyclist.

c. The village ……….at the foot of the mountain.

d. The river which ………through the town was polluted.

e. A large oak tree …….in the garden casting its shade over the house. 

23. Criticizing

1. 2076: How would you describe the following person who is:[5]

a. Vain

b. Absent-minded

c. Jealous

d. Clumsy

e. Aggressive

f. A gossip

g. A bore

h. A pessimist

i. A cook

j. An accountant 

2. 2075: Express the ideas below with if, as in the example.[5]

Example: I didn’t hear the bell – I was watching television.

If I had not been watching the television , I would have heard the bell.

a. He was reading a newspaper in the library – he missed college bus.

b. She didn’t set the alarm – she was late for college.

c. Our chief guest didn’t arrive in time – the car broke down.

d. He didn’t know the man had a mobile – he didn’t ask for it.

e. The security personnel was not careful – the culprit ran away. 

3. 2074: Express the ideas below with if, as in the example.[5]

Example: I didn’t hear the bell – I was watching television.

If I had not been watching the television, I would have heard the bell.

a. She didn’t hear the knock on the door – she was listening to the radio.

b. They were not in the mosque – they weren’t killed in the explosion.

c. He was walking on the seashore when he found a gold ring.

d. She couldn’t go on holiday – she had an examination of her third term.

e. He wasn’t talking very loudly – I couldn’t understand him. 

4. 2074: How would you describe a person who is: [5]

a. A gossip

b. A pessimist

c. Vain

d. Absent-minded

e. Jealous 

5. 2073: Express the ideas below with if, as in the example.[5]

Example: I didn’t hear the bell – I was watching television.

If I had not been watching the television, I would have heard the bell.

a. He didn’t know the man was armed, so he didn’t run away.

b. The goalkeeper wasn’t concentrating, they scored a goal.

c. She didn’t hear the knock on the door – she was listening to the radio.

d. They didn’t arrive in time, the car broke down.

e. She didn’t set the alarm, so she overslept. 

6. 2072: How would you describe a person who is: [5]

Jealous, aggressive, clumsy, absent-minded, a pessimist.

7. 2072:: Express the ideas below with if, as in the example.[5]

Example: He wasn’t wearing a life jacket …….he drowned.

If he had been wearing a life jacket, he wouldn’t have drowned.

a. He was reading a book in the waiting room ……….he missed the train.

b. She didn’t set the alarm …..she overslept.

c. The goalkeeper wasn’t concentrating ……..they scored a goal.

d. They didn’t arrive in time …..the car broke down.

e. He didn’t know the man was armed …….he didn’t run away. 

8. 2071: How would you describe a person who is: [5]

a. A jealous man

b. A kind mother

c. A cruel man

d. An absent-minded

e. A clumsy man 

9. 2070: Express the ideas below with if, as in the example.[5]

Example: I didn’t hear the bell – I was watching television.

If I had not been watching the television, I would have heard the bell.

a. She didn’t set the alarm, so she slept.

b. She didn’t hear the knock on the door, she was listening to the radio.

c. He was walking on the seashore when he found a gold ring.

d. He wasn’t talking very loudly, I couldn’t understand him.

e. They didn’t arrive on time because the car broke down. 

10. 2069: Express the ideas below with if, as in the example.[5]

Example: I didn’t hear the bell – I was watching television.

If I had not been watching the television, I would have heard the bell.

a. She didn’t set the alarm, so she overslept.

b. The goalkeeper wasn’t concentrating -they scored a goal.

c. She didn’t hear the knock on the door, she was listening to the radio.

d. They didn’t arrive on time, because the car broke down.

e. He wasn’t talking very loudly, I couldn’t understand him. 

11. 2069: Express the ideas below with if, as in the example.[5]

Example: I didn’t hear the bell – I was watching television.

If I had not been watching the television, I would have heard the bell.

a. She didn’t set the alarm, so she overslept.

b. The goalkeeper wasn’t concentrating -they scored a goal.

c. They didn’t arrive in time, because the car broke down.

d. He didn’t know the man was armed, so he didn’t run away.

e. She didn’t hear the knock on the door, she was listening to the radio. 

12. 2069: Make a remark each using ‘should (n’t) have’.[5]

Example: Sarala broke a vase.

She shouldn’t have lifted it.

a. The tourist’s purse was stolen.

b. Rama fainted at the party.

c. Bibek nearly drowned.

d. Binita failed her math exam.

e. Ganesh cut his foot on some broken glass. 

13. 2061: ` Make a remark each using ‘should (n’t) have’.[5]

Example: Sarala broke a vase.

She shouldn’t have lifted it.

a. The tourist’s purse was stolen.

b. Erica fainted at the party.

c. Gordon nearly drowned.

d. Jenny failed her math exam.

e. Ganesh cut his foot on some broken glass. 

14. 2060: Express the ideas below with if, as in the example.[5]

Example: I didn’t hear the bell – I was watching television.

If I had not been watching the television, I would have heard the bell.

a. He didn’t set the alarm, so he overslept.

b. The goalkeeper wasn’t concentrating -they scored a goal.

c. She wasn’t talking very loudly, I couldn’t understand her.

d. He could not go on holiday because he broke his leg.

e. They didn’t know the man was armed, so they didn’t run away. 

24. Explanations

1. 2076: Change the sentences below within spite of(Omit ‘but’, ‘still’)[5]

Example: he looked tired. He still worked till evening.

In spite of the fact that he looked tired, he worked till evening.

a. He is young and energetic, but he does not like to work hard.

b. There was a lot of space, but only a few people were invited.

c. They were well paid but they do not like to work hard.

d. Bicycles are easy to ride, but teenagers do not like it.

e. They were playing at home, but they lost the match. 

2. 2076: Change the sentences below within spite of(Avoid ‘but’, ‘still’)[5]

Example: he looked tired. He still worked till evening.

In spite of the fact that he looked tired, he worked till evening.

a. They have a lot of time but the teenagers do not like to work.

b. There was a lot of space in the classroom, but only limited students were allowed.

c. All the students were present but the principal refused to counsel them.

d. Bicycles are cheaper and more comfortable, but the youths do not like to ride.

e. They were playing away from home, they won the match. 

3. 2076: Rewrite the following sentences using the word or phrase given.[5]

a. She was ninety years old but she still lived a very active life. (although)

b. He looked scruffy, but he got the job. (even though)

c. Her parents objected, but she still insisted on getting married. (in spite of)

d. She was in trouble but he refused to help her. (though)

e. He worked hard, but he failed in the exams. (despite) 

4. 2075: Make two sentences for each of the statements below with although/even though and in spite of/despite.[5]

a. She was 80 years old, but she still lived a very active life.

b. He looked very scruffy, but he still got the job.

c. Her parents objected, but she still insisted on getting married.

d. She was in trouble but he refused to help her.

e. The book didn’t have a good story, but it still became the best seller. 

5. 2075: Change the following sentences as shown in the example.[5]

Example: he looked very scruffy, but he still got the job.

In spite of his scruffy appearance, he got the job.

a. Video machines are expensive, but lots of people are buying them.

b. We’ve known each other for a long time, but we can still call each other by our surnames.

c. She was 85 years old, but she still lived a very active life.

d. Beethoven was deaf, but he continued composing until his death.

e. Her parents objected, but she still insisted on getting married. 

6. 2074: Change the sentences with although/even though.[5]

a. He looked scruffy, but still, he got the job.

b. Video machines are expensive, but lots of people are buying them.

c. Beethoven was deaf, but he continued composing until his death.

d. We’ve known each other for a long time, but we still call each other by our surnames.

e. He’s suffering from high fever, but he still wants to go to school. 

7. 2073: Change the sentences below using ‘even though’. Avoid ‘but’ and ‘still’ as in the example. [5]

Example: He was 87 years old, but he still lived a very active life.

Even though he was an old man, he lived a very active life.

a. Her parents objected, but she still insisted on getting married.

b. He did well in the exam, but he still scored poor marks.

c. Modern electronic devices are expensive, but lots of people are buying them.

d. The government is importing a lot of fuel, but people are not getting it easily.

e. Most of the householders are getting financial support but they are not constructing their houses. 

8. 2073: Change the sentences below using ‘even though’. Avoid ‘but’ and ‘still’ as in the example.[5]

Example: He was 87 years old, but he still lived a very active life.

Even though he was an old man, he lived a very active life.

a. His parents objected, but he still insisted on getting married.

b. He did well in the exam, but he still scored poor marks.

c. Modern electronic devices are expensive, but lots of people are buying them.

d. They are laborious, but they are living in hardships.

e. Most of the plus two colleges have trained faculty, but their result is still poor.

9. 2073: Change the sentences below using ‘even though’ as in the example.[5]

Example: He looked innocent, but he was punished.

Even though he looked innocent, he was punished.

a. He is poor, but he is honest.

b. He doesn’t get up early, but he is physically fit.

c. He is 80 years old, but he is active.

d. They are rich, but they do not offer help to the poor.

e. He worked hard, but he got poor marks. 

10. 2072: Change the sentences below using ‘even though’ as in the example.[5]

Example: He looked innocent, but he was punished.

Even though he looked innocent, he was punished.

a. He gets up late, but he is healthy.

b. He won many medals, but s/he does not play much.

c. s/he passed every exam, but s/he doesn’t study properly.

d. He is 75, but he is active.

e. The doesn’t have good earning. He leads a very comfortable life. 

11. 2071: Rewrite the sentences below using although, in spite of, despite, or even though whichever is needed.[5]

a. He is 90 years old, but he is still active.

b. Computers were expensive in the past, but many people bought them.

c. He was very popular, he didn’t win the election.

d. He had irregular attendance at school, but he secured good marks.

e. She is highly qualified, but she is not successful to get a job. 

12. 2071: Change the sentences below using although, in spite of, despite, or even though whichever is needed.[5]

a. He was 85 years old, but he still lived an active life (although)

b. He looked unqualified, but he got the job. (despite)

c. Video machines are expensive, but lots of people are buying them. (even though)

d. Her parents objected, but she still insisted on getting married. ( in spite of)

e. He is uneducated, but he is polite. (although) 

13. Change the sentences using in spite of or despite.[5]

a. He was 80 years old but still lived an active life.

b. Her parents objected, but she still insisted on getting married.

c. Beethoven was deaf, but he continued composing until his death.

d. Video machines are expensive, but lots of people are buying them.

e. He used his raincoat, but still, he got wet. 

14. 2067: Change the sentences using in spite of or despite.[5]

a. He was 80 years old but still lived an active life.

b. Her parents objected, but she still insisted on getting married.

c. Beethoven was deaf, but he continued composing until his death.

d. Video machines are expensive, but lots of people are buying them.

e. He used his raincoat, but still, he got wet. 

15. 2059: Change the following sentences as shown in the example.[5]

Example: he looked very scruffy, but he still got the job.

In spite of his scruffy appearance, he got the job.

a. She was 85 years old, but she still lived a very active life.

b. Video machines are expensive, but lots of people are buying them.

c. Her parents objected, but she still insisted on getting married.

d. Beethoven was deaf, but he continued composing until his death.

e. We’ve known each other for a long time, but we still call each other by our surnames. 

25. Some Questions asked from ‘Mixed Units’.

1. 2076: Write appropriate prepositions in the gaps.[5]

a. The book consists …….many pages.

b. I lent money …….her.

c. He looked ……her.

d. He gained profit ……..his studios.

e. I know a good remedy …….toothache. 

2. 2074: Express the following ideas in passive.[5]

a. Pollution is killing a lot of fish in the Mediterranean.

b. The shops sold a lot of lawnmowers last week.

c. The council will have pulled down the old church in the square by next week.

d. Traffic vibrations had damaged some villages.

e. He designs building for the city council. 

3. 2072: Fill up the gaps in the sentences below with suitable preposition.[5]

a. She studied in America ……..two years.

b. We are talking ……..politics.

c. Don’t leave your glass …….the floor.

d. He is still……college.

e. These days he goes ………university. 

4. 2070: Change the voice of the following sentences.[5]

a. The gunmen are holding the hostages in an old farmhouse.

b. The company pays her a huge salary.

c. People give me something to eat now and again.

d. I always get blamed if the food is not good.

e. Is anyone using this room? 

5. 2066: Express the following ideas in passive.[5]

a. His newspaper pays him a huge salary.

b. Ron Glip made a mistake.

c. My brother has sent me a camera.

d. The police arrested the criminals.

e. They ask us some questions. 

6. 2060: Rewrite the sentences, using the word in brackets, so that they mean the same.

Example: Perhaps I won’t have any breakfast today. (think)

I don’t think I’ll have any breakfast today.

a. Perhaps I’ll go for a walk. (think)

b. They heard the news while they were having lunch. (when)

c. I love people admiring my clothes. (having)

d. The college runs an examination every four months. (year)

e. You can get up whenever you like. (any time) 

7. 2056: Fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase chosen from the following list.[5]

Because/ in spite of/ in order to/ so that/ although.

a. ………..his illness, he continued working hard.

b. She went to Kathmandu …… a bicycle.

c. ………..they were enjoying the film , they left before it finished.

d. He was angry ………they broke his pen.

e. ………..she was very old, she still cooked her own food.

Answers of Meaning into Words HSEB/ NEB Old Questions Class 11 English

1.        Places
(a)    I can have my teeth checked (b)I can have my hair colored (c)I can have my book renewed (d)I can have my car repaired (e)I can have my eyes checked.

Decisions and Intensions
(a)i think I’ll go swimming. it’s rather a hot day. (b)maybe I’ll learn to drive. I have my job far from my house. (c)perhaps I’ll join a party. They’ve warmly invited me. (d)I think I’ll give up smoking. I have joined a health club recently (e)I think I’ll take my meal. I’m too hungry.
(a)i think I’ll take rest. (b)I think I will celebrate a party. (c)I think I’ll entertain him. (d)I don’t think I’ll donate them food. (e)I don’t think I’ll ask her to resign.
(a)i think I’ll change it. (b)I think I’ll make her my friend. (c)I don’t think I’ll go on diet. (d)I think I’ll visit a physician. (e)I don’t think I’ll call them home.
(a)i think I’ll change it. (b)I think I’ll make her my friend. (c)I think I’ll go to bed early. (d) (d)I think I’ll visit a physician. (e)I don’t think I’ll call her.
(a)i think I’ll eat less. I want to reduce the weight. (b)I think I’ll quit my job. I want a new job.
(c)i think I’ll make her my friend. She’s friendly. (d)I think I’ll visit the doctor. My chest terribly pains/aches. (e)I don’t think I’ll call them. I reach there in time
(a)i think I’ll learn to drive. Driving is necessary skill for human life. (b)I think I will go to swimming. Swimming is my passion. (c)I don’t think I will have any more to eat. I am getting fat. (d)I don’t think I will invite jane to party. She is not friendly. (e)I think I will give up smoking. Smoking is injurious to health.
(a)i think I will take rest. (b)I don’t think I’ll advise her to go on a diet. (c)I don’t think I will quit 8my job. (d)I think I will borrow some. (e)I  don’t think I’ll hitchhike.
Jobs and Routine
(a)he plays basketball twice a week. (b)he eats out every Saturday. (c)he polishes his shoes three times a week. (d)he washes his college dress twice a week. (e)he telephones his parents every Tuesday evening.
(a)he plays football four times a week. (b) he eats out every Sunday. (c)he brushes teeth twice a day. (d)he goes abroad twice a year. (e)he changes his job every two years.

meaning into words old questions

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Meaning into words English important questions
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OLD is Gold English Questions
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