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GPA to Percentage Converter Online

Adjusted GPA to Percentage Converter

Percentage: %

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Unadjusted GPA to Percentage Converter

Percentage: %

Simply type in your GPA and our tool will immediately show your percentage. The only easy tool to convert GPA to Percentage.

If you need to calculate your GPA from Percentage, then you can follow the links below. They are the tools provided by HamroLibrary which is one of the leading educational websites.

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GPA to Percentage Converter

✅GPA, Grade and Percentage Conversion Chart

GPA Grade Percentage
4.0 A 93% – 100%
3.7 A- 90% – 92%
3.3 B+ 87% – 89%
3.0 B 83% – 86%
2.7 B- 80% – 82%
2.3 C+ 77% – 79%
2.0 C 73% – 76%
1.7 C- 70% – 72%
1.3 D+ 67% – 69%
1.0 D 63% – 66%
0.7 D- 60% – 62%
0.0 F 0% – 59%

✅How is the GPA calculated?

Let us assume that the subject percentage of a student in an exam is as follows:

Subject Percentage
English - 80%
Nepali - 70%
Accountancy - 90%
Economics - 70%
Business - 90%
Actual percentage = (80+70+90+70+90)/5 = 80%

✅How to Convert every subject percentage into GPA

Subject wise Grade Point is calculated by dividing the percentage marks of each subject by 100 multiplied by the number of subjects minus 1. Here, we have taken 5 subjects. so, Grade point of each subject will be:

English = 80/20 -1 = 3.0
Nepali = 70/20 -1 = 2.5
Accountancy = 90/20 -1 = 1 3.5
Economics = 70/20 -1 = 1 2.5
Business = 90/20 -1 = 3.5

Now, the total Grade Point Average (GPA) will be,

Final GPA = (3+2.5+3.5+2.5+3.5)/5 = 3.0
It means : 80% = 3.0 GPA

✅How to Convert GPA into Percentage?

We just reverse the process above to convert GPA into Percentage as folows:

English = 3.0 (3.0 + 1) x 20 = 80%
Nepali = 2.5 (2.5 + 1) x 20 = 70%
Accountancy = 3.5 (3.5 + 1) x 20 = 90%
Economics = 2.5 (2.5 + 1) x 20 = 70%
Business Studies = 3.5 (3.5 + 1) x 20 = 90%

Final Percentage = (80+70+90+70+90)/5 = 80
It means : 3.0 = 80%

To Find your percentage with GPA

If your GPA is 3.0
(3.0 + 1) x 20 = 80%

If your GPA is 2.8
(2.8+1) x 20 = 76%

However, it is not possible to convert GPA to Percentage for SEE/ SLC and other similar exams where the range is taken as the data to calculate GPA. For example, 4 GPA may have been assigned to a student who secures 92% and 94%. Then it is difficult to identify the exact GPA.

✅So, we have made two different kinds of tools for converting GPA to Percentage:

1. Unadjusted GPA to Percentage converter:
It calculates your percentage simply by multiplying the total GPA obtained times 25. It is suitable to use when your GPA is calculated as per the marks obtained.

2. Adjusted GPA to Percentage Converter:
It is more scientific than the initial one as we have assigned a scale factor to reconcile the fluctuations in your actual GPA. It is useful when your GPA is calculated according to the range of marks that you have obtained.

✅What can our GPA to Percentage calculator do?

Our GPA to Percentage calculator can convert your GPA from GPA to the percentage without delay. It calculates GPA from Percentage to 4.00 scale. It is a free tool to convert GPA to Percentage online andyou don't need to download any apps or tools in your desktop or laptop. Gone are the days when you needed to take out your calculator and in a rough sheet you note down all the marks and calculate the percentage and GPA. Now, you can have your GPA converted into a percentage in a fraction of second and at your fingertips.

✅How to use GPA to Percentage tool?

There are no such tiresome steps in converting your GPA to percentage. Simply type in your GPA and the Percentage is shown below the input area simultaneously. Isn't that easy? For example, your GPA is 2.7. type in 2.7 in the box and your GPA is shown below. Another best thing about this tool is that our GPA to Percentage converter tool can be used in all countries.

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