Class 11 HSEB/ NEB Compulsory English Syllabus
Full Marks: 100 Teaching hrs:150
Course Content
The contents of this paper are:
a. A remedial or refresher course: It will be giving at the beginning of the session. The contents include Basic English structure and the use of a dictionary.
b. Core English: The texts in this component primarily aim at teaching various language skills in an integrated manner. The emphasis is on providing tools for using language for communicative purposes, and for receiving as well as imparting information effectively.
The contents of this unit are:
Places, decisions and intentions, jobs and routine, direction, past event, talking about now, requests and offers, recent actions and activities, comparison, the past and the present, likes and dislikes, events and circumstances, leisure activities and skills, active, origin and duration, location, similarities and differences, obligation, prediction, objects, degree, setting a scene, criticizing , explanations
c. Extensive reading and writing: The prescribed materials in this component expose students to various interesting and informative topics of global interest and common human concern. The contents include:
1. Arthur Guiterman, “ On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness”
2. Dorothy Charles, “ Concrete Cat”
3. Mark Strand, “ Keeping Things Whole”
4. W. Cowper, “ The Poplar Field”
5. W. Wordsworth, “ My Heart Leaps up When I Behold”
1. Barbara Holland, “ Speaking of Children”
2. Joan Didion, “ In Bed”
3. Issac Asimov, “ The Nightmare Life Without Fuel”
4. Roger Rosenblatt, “Oops! How’s That Again”
5. Harold J. Morowitz, “ The Six Million Dollar Man”
6. W.S. Merwin, “ Unchopping a Tree”
7. Patricia Hampt, “ Look at a Teacup”
1. Stories of the Supernatural, “ The Recurring Dream, “ The Lost Doll”, “ The House Call”, “ fear”, “The Loving Mother”
2. Hemingway, “ The Three Day Blow”
3. R. Kipling, “ The Gardener”
4. Patricia Hempel, “ Look at a Teacup”
5. Eudora Welty, “ A Worn Path”
1. R.N. Tagore, “ Malini”
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