Remedial measures for poverty/ Measures to control poverty:
To remove poverty there should be economic development. Within the framework of economic development, three important factors are taken into consideration i.e. development of agriculture, fuller utilization of power and optimum utilization of resources by establishing industries.
2. Agricultural development:
Agriculture is regarded as the backbone of the Nepalese economy.
For economic development, first, there should be the development of agriculture i.e. agriculture should be modernized and should be made more product oriented, profit-oriented and employment oriented.
3. Promotion of Industries:
To remove poverty, employment opportunities and facilities should also be provided to people by the establishment of small scale and heavy industries. There should be a revival of cottage industries and small scale industries which can make the backbone of a rural economy stronger.
4. Check on the growth of population:
If the present growth rate of the population cannot be checked, soon a day will come in which we shall fight among each other for a single piece of bread. In this regard, family planning or family welfare programmes should be effectively implemented.
5. Development of education:
Education should be more vocational. The practical educations should be introduced in all the educational institutions. This will enable the educated youths to earn for themselves and to add to national output instead of being dependent on the country or Government for jobs.
6. Comprehensive social security measures:
Comprehensive social security measures should be taken by the Government as in the developed countries of the world like the U.S.A., U.K. Such measures includes financial assistance to those who face economic disability, i.e. pension for invalid and widow, unemployment assistance, medical assistance, sickness insurance, maternal and child security and assistance, etc.
7. Removal of personal disabilities:
Personal disabilities like prolonged disease, physical handicap, and mental diseases, etc, cause poverty. Hence Government should take various steps as to enable these handicapped people to earn their own livelihood in this respect, Government should provide facilities like adequate and free health service to rural poor, control of various diseases by permanent public health programmes, rehabilitation of physically handicapped persons, etc.
8. Others:
- Participation and access of the poor.
- Food pricing and distribution policy.
- Promoting opportunity.
- Facilitating empowerment.
- Enhancing peace and security.
- Practicing good governance.
- Controlling and eradicating corruption etc.
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