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Characteristics/ Features of Nepalese agriculture

Features of Nepalese agriculture

Characteristics/Features of Nepalese agriculture:

1. Subsistence cultivation: Agriculture practices in Nepal are primarily subsistence oriented. There is less commercialization of agriculture. So, Nepal has not been able to reduce the share of agriculture in the national economy.

2. Inadequate Investment: In Nepal, only small proportions of farms use modern production inputs. The fertilizer used in intensively low. The degree of mechanization is very low.

3. Low productivity: The annual growth rate of agriculture and population were around 3% in the past. This is due to low capital formation and low level of investment.

4. The small size of land holding:
The farm size’s declining over the years. The land has become more fragmented over the years. This leads to less cultivation and less productivity. They are also disadvantaged in terms of inputs, and modern agricultural technology.

5. The predominance of temporary crops: According to National sample census of agriculture (NSCA), out of the total 2.60 million hectares of land operated by agricultural holdings 2.39 million hectares was agricultural land which is used mostly for the cultivation of temporary crops. The mixed crop is not common in Nepal.

6. Defective land tenure system: The practice of renting land is more commonly used by land honors. The renting of land is common among large holdings over than small holdings. There is dual ownership in land.

7. Primitive Organization:
The farmer’s organizations relating to marketing, storage, input supply, credit, etc. are primitive. There is virtually no organization for agriculture marketing. There is no storage facility. Fertilizers, insecticide and improved seeds are inadequate.


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